[GUIDE] Echo Speaks Server on Docker (or without)

Yeah forgot a step, to use the git command you also need git for windows: https://gitforwindows.org/

Just use all the default options when installing (it asks for A LOT of settings but defaults are fine)

You will need to close and re-open the console window after installing git so the new path is picked up.

sorry thank you.

Almost there! But I don't see the app listed in the hub. I prefer to ask than make mistakes!

It isn’t installed on the hub, rather it is the cookie server for the echo speaks app installed on the hub.

You may have to hit “reset service data” and unselect huroku

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Thanks Ken. I reset service data, unchecked Huroku but it is still asking me to paste the long link inside my server web config page. Sorry I don't know where that is for my server. I did not even know I can create a server! lol

and host my own server! lol. I am almost there!

Paste it into the app callback url, then save settings.

Ok did that and saved. I go back to echo speak setup and get the following screenshots in that order C1, C2, C3, C4. Sorry I feel like a real pain in the neck! Thank you for your patience.

Your app callback URL doesn’t look good.

thank you but i was told to copy paste that info. What exactly do you see wrong?

It doesn’t match the one a few posts above. Compare:

(which you were told to copy) with:

i'll redo the process.

Please be aware that some of the pictures reveal personal hub details. You may want to remove the screenshots.


I just got this up and running in a Docker container on Unraid.

  1. Go to Apps (Community Apps plugin may be needed)
  2. Search for "echo-speaks-server"
  3. It will come up with nothing found, click on "Click Here to Get More Results From DockerHub"
  4. Click install on one of the results, I used the one from "tonesto7" as in this guide.
  5. You will get a popup asking if you want unraid to attempt to determine configuration, click NO.
  6. In the "WebUI" parameter, add "http://[IP]:[PORT:8091]/" as written (do not attempt to put your own IP in there.)
  7. Click on "Add another Path", in the "Config Type" dropdown select "Port", then add 8091 in the "Container Port" and the "Host Port" sections.
  8. Click "Add"
  9. Click "Apply"

This will load the Docker into unraid and once you start it, you will be able to access the webui from http://(your IP address here):8091 and can use it to follow the instruction above.


So I am using unraid and this approach worked for getting to the config page on 8091, but as soon as I log into amazon and set the callback it says authenticated and when I go back to echo speaks on the hub it says "You still need to Login to Amazon to complete the setup" for some reason??? Any ideas?

I'm using Docker on Unraid, with and without portainer. For some reason I get the server up, I can connect to IP:8091 , I clear the echo speaks configuration, uncheck heroku, I get the callback link, I connect no problem, login to amazon no problem, it says Authentication good, and when I go back to echo speaks on the hub i still see: "You still need to Login to Amazon to complete the setup." Under that I can see

Local Server: (Configured) 
Server: ( (which is correct)
Domain: (amazon.com) (I'm US based so I assume also correct).

Yet the login just doesn't seem to stick? Any ideas? This happens whether I run the docker directly or through your helpful portainer script.

Log back in and DO NOT press Save at the bottom after logging in, just close the browser tab/window. I am pretty sure the Save button breaks the login.

Did that several times (and the other way just in case), no difference. It's very odd and frustrating.

Any other time that has happened usually restarting the container and then logging in without pressing save has worked fine, so not sure what the problem could be.

I'll keep messing with it. Think a fresh install of echo speaks would help? I've had it installed for years so just updated the cookie server nonsense, it'd be a pain to because my devices would get new device IDs i think which would throw off my custom makerAPI integrations on various devices, but if I need to do that I can.

No I would not delete the ES app on Hubitat, I do not think that would help at all.

You should be able to restart the container/app and it continues to show that it is logged in like this:

When not logged in I believe that button is Blue and says something about logging in.