[GUIDE] Echo Speaks Server on Docker (or without)

Do you have network bridging turned on for the container?

I don't know.. This is my first foray into wsl, I have ubuntu installed , echo speaks inside that

This is why I quickly abandoned using WSL2 when I was trying it out.
Here are some ways to hack around the issue that I found:
This [WSL 2] NIC Bridge mode 🖧 (Has TCP Workaround🔨) · Issue #4150 · microsoft/WSL · GitHub
And this Accessing network applications with WSL | Microsoft Learn

Unless you plan to use this WSL2 Ubuntu for other development work I would honestly just install Docker for Windows and have that use WSL2 (its the default I think), then add Portainer. Docker takes care of the bridge network and port forwarding. Portainer gives you a nice web UI to manage containers.


I agree! I only need this for echo speaks really.

I would chose one of these two options then.

  1. Install it directly on windows
  2. Use Docker for Windows.

Direct on Windows would be the lightest on resources but I don't have a guide for it. For installing on Windows you really just need to install Node.js for windows and then the install is similar to the no-docker instructions. Catch being pm2 does not work on windows so you have to use something like NSSM to set it up as a system service. NSSM - the Non-Sucking Service Manager . You could also just make a shortcut in your startup folder but then you need to be logged in for it to run.

Docker uses the same WSL backend and takes care of the rest for you, I think it will be a lighter system overall as well. Be warned though WSL will consume 2Gb of RAM by default, including when using with Docker. Here is some info on how to change it if you wanted, I had mine set to 1Gb when I tested and it could probably go even lower for just ES: https://fizzylogic.nl/2023/01/05/how-to-configure-memory-limits-in-wsl2

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Good morning Sir. Can you help me? I am following your instructions on installing echo speak without docker.
Ok made some progress but stuck. I installed node and npm. I confirmed by doing a node - v and npm -v in a cmd prompt. I also tested my server with hello word.

But where/how do I type the following command (remember I am on Windows!)

Install and Run the Server:

Log in with the user who will run the server (does not need to be root).
Change to directory you wish to run the server from (can be home folder, subfolders will be created).

sudo npm install -g pm2
npm i https://github.com/tonesto7/echo-speaks-server
cd node_modules/echo-speaks-server
pm2 -n echo-speaks start index.js
pm2 startup
pm2 save
pm2 list

Thank you!

Just for reference if anyone else finds this, I posted some quick instructions for installing on Windows without docker here:

Sorry jtp10181 but I got this error trying the npm i https....
see pic.

Yeah forgot a step, to use the git command you also need git for windows: https://gitforwindows.org/

Just use all the default options when installing (it asks for A LOT of settings but defaults are fine)

You will need to close and re-open the console window after installing git so the new path is picked up.

sorry thank you.

Almost there! But I don't see the app listed in the hub. I prefer to ask than make mistakes!

It isn’t installed on the hub, rather it is the cookie server for the echo speaks app installed on the hub.

You may have to hit “reset service data” and unselect huroku

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Thanks Ken. I reset service data, unchecked Huroku but it is still asking me to paste the long link inside my server web config page. Sorry I don't know where that is for my server. I did not even know I can create a server! lol

and host my own server! lol. I am almost there!

Paste it into the app callback url, then save settings.

Ok did that and saved. I go back to echo speak setup and get the following screenshots in that order C1, C2, C3, C4. Sorry I feel like a real pain in the neck! Thank you for your patience.

Your app callback URL doesn’t look good.

thank you but i was told to copy paste that info. What exactly do you see wrong?

It doesn’t match the one a few posts above. Compare:

(which you were told to copy) with:

i'll redo the process.

Please be aware that some of the pictures reveal personal hub details. You may want to remove the screenshots.