Guh, what a mess LOL

I've been using HE for some time. I dont' change a lot and mostly just integrate new devices/update rules/keep apps and drivers updated. Last time I updated my hub, I noticed my HubConnect implementation was offline. That took me down the rabbit hole of realizing that it's because SmartThings shut down groovy on their platform. So now, the 4 devices I had on ST still (3 HALO Smoke/CO and on Home Seer HS-WS200 switch) I need to move over to HE. Some might think that's a good thing. For the HALO's, I guess it's OK, but for the switch, I was using WebCore to change it's LED based on the exterior doors of my home. If one was open, it flashed red, otherwise, it was normal color (blue when the switch for the primary device was off, off when the switch for the primary device was on). Problem is I implemented it so long ago, I'm no longer immersed in that. I'm willing to ramp up again, but I'm wondering if there's better ways to do things. The reason why I left the HS-WS200 over on ST was becuase HE for whatever lame-brained reason doesn't support the switch's native triple tap functionality, and I use it, a lot.

So before I start delving into fixing all this and unwinding my HubConnect implementation, I have a few questions. Hopefully some of you that are more immmersed in this currently will be able to point me in the right direction:

  • Is there a way to keep my triple tap functionality on my HS-WS200 (there wasn't when I implmented it years ago)
  • Is there a way to address my HS-WS200 LED easily so I can just use rule machine without needing WebCore on HE?
  • It might be time to replace the HALO's anyhow, though they are not malfunctioning yet and test fine regularly, and I really like the weather alerts built into them. I am primarily a Google assistant smart home, and I have 2 new Nest Smokes just sitting in the box in a closet (deal shopping I couldn't pass up a few years back), is there a decent integration for them on HE?
  • Is now a good time to implement matter in my smart home to re-inegrate the SmartThings back to hubitat (I have a number of Samsung appliances and a TV that use ST to tie everything Samsung together, and I'd like to expose them to HE)

Thanks for any input. I'm planning to do research, but I just feel like my nice comfy smart home has been ripped out of my hands overnight and reading backlogs, I realize I was just disconnected from things for a long time.

Something else to look at:


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