Groups & Scenes Question

I have Groups & Scenes app installed & captured 2 different Philips Hue scenes for a room.
I can activate these 2 scenes fine with Alexa voice as well as HE by clicking on "activate scene".

What I don't understand in that in HE in the app listing for "Groups & Scenes" HE shows in red "Not Set" for each of these 2 scenes.

What does this "Not Set" in red lettering mean & how do I "set" it or does this really matter?

It means the setting you have don't match the current situation, if you manually set the bulbs as you want then it would change to set, or active the scene

Thank you! I never noticed that is shows "ON" when the scene was actually activated! The red "Not Set" was bugging me when I didn't have the scene I know! LOL
TY again!