Group state doesn't reflect light states

I've created a Group-2.0 group with two Hue lights in it. When I turn on the group (using the group device), the lights come on. Messages show up in the logs for the group device and the individual devices stating that the various switches were turned on.

However, when I adjust the level of the group the individual lights update but the group itself still reports its initial level. The group device initially had this state:


After adjusting the level, the state values of the group device are unchanged. However, the lights themselves have changed levels. Also, while the individual lights show level changes in the logs

the group device itself does not

Should the group state track the states of its contained bulbs?

The Hue lights are attached through the Hue bridge, not directly to Hubitat, if that's relevant.

No, the group device is the master, and all of the group members are slaves. I'm not following exactly what the sequence is in your original post. Which device is not updating its state? If you change the level of the group device, does its state reflect that change?

When I change properties using the master device, the slave devices all update, but the master device doesn't always update its own state to match. For example, if I change the level in the master device, the levels of the slave devices are updated, but the master device's level doesn't change. If it starts out as 10 and I set it to 50, the slave devices do, indeed, change their levels to 50, but the master still reports its level as 10.

The problem appears to be confined to the level property. When I change the hue, saturation, or color temp, the master's state is updated to reflect the new values. When I change the level, the master's level property doesn't change.

Interestingly, when I submit a change for something other than level, there's a lot more activity in the browser console.

The reason I noticed this in the first place is that I was using a couple of groups as bulbs in a scene, and the scene couldn't tell when it was active because, I'm assuming, the group's level didn't appear to be updating when the scene tried to set it.

OK, thanks. That looks like a bug in the driver. Will investigate

Update: There was a bug in the driver. Fixed, and in next release. doesn't look like groups keep up with the states of their slaved bulbs. I mean, if I adjust a bulb outside the group, the group doesn't know about it. That seems like it would make groups a poor fit for scenes, since a scene subscribes to the states of its bulbs and switches so it can tell if it's set or not. If a bulb in a group in a scene is changed, the group state won't update so the scene won't know about it.

Correct. Group and Scene are completely separate, and provide completely different functionality. A Group is a collection of devices controlled by a singe master device. A Scene is a group of devices each with predetermined settings, that can be activated or turned off.

You can put a Group master device in a Scene, and give it the setting you want for it. When that Scene is activated, the Group would be set to that setting. However, as you observe, changing a member of the Group would not be reflected in the Scene status, as doing so would not change the setting of the Group master device.

It wasn't so much that I thought they shared functionality as that I thought Group state might work kind of like Hue groups (in the Hue app), where the group's state always reflects the states of the bulbs in the group (possibly averaging them if different bulbs have different states).

That would be very different functionality than the way the Group app works. One could have a number of different functionalities for a concept like Group. I'm not sure what benefit there really is to putting a Group device in a Scene. All of the devices in a Group, being slaved to the Group device, have the same exact setting. But if placed in a Scene, they can each have individual settings.

I agree, other than minor convenience there’s not benefit to putting a group in a scene. I just noticed it was possible, then started considering how it might be useful. :slight_smile:

@mike.maxwell there seems to be a issue with the group state of colour mode and colour not updating correct in the device. I just trigger my switch and watched it flip instantly to the correct value then back again in a blink of a eye. Both my lamps are in CT mode but the group device is in RGB.

I'll need to know more about the actual commands and in what order they are being sent to the group device.

hopefully this will help.

what is sent

logs from group device

logs from 1 of the main devices

logs from the other

as you can see the main lights show it in a CT mode but the group device does originally set it to CT then changes oddly to RGB even though the main lights are still in the correct CT level and mode.

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This has something to do with the rule.
Starting with the group device off, and previously in ct or rgb mode, I issue setColorTemperateure 2800, followed by setLevel 15 and this results in the following group device logs:

Your group device contains three extra log lines, these aren't being generated by the group device on its own.

I just did the same and got the same :thinking: but the rule doesn't show anything about setting a colour :thinking:

what happens differently when you set level and colour?

Edit: found it!

@bravenel maybe one for you?

if it is a RM bug its been there a while at least 6 weeks +

I suspect this is a driver bug. Investigating.

just in case

its @mike.maxwell driver

Try this as a work-around: Remove the level from the RM action that sets CT. If you need to set level also, do it as a separate action prior to setting CT.

Or, if that gives an undesirable transition, put the level after the CT command, with a short delay, like 100 msecs.

Mind you, these are just possible work-arounds while we sort this out.