Graywind Shades Battery


I recently transitioned from the Graywind App / Hub to Hubitat. I selected the Yolax Motor Shade Driver. I'm pretty sure Graywind uses Yooksmart, but they appear to be similar. Everything successfully transitioned over except the battery level. I don't think the Yolax driver has a request to report battery level. Is it possible to get the source-code for this driver with some assistance to add battery level or request an update to the driver?

Can you post the fingerprint for the device?

I'm new at this, so apologies if I'm posting the incorrect items but please see below.

  • endpointId: 01
  • application: 49
  • inClusters: 0000,0004,0001,0005,EF00,0003,0102
  • manufacturer: _TZE200_9caxna4s
  • model: TS0301
  • outClusters: 0019,000A

This device is a tuya clone, as such if it reports battery it could be stuffed into the manufacturer cluster EF00 me thinks, and we don't have this cluster decoded so there's not much I can do on this one.

Is there a way I can attempt to decode on my own or anything you might suggest I reach out to the manufacturer on? I know when I use the "Generic Zigbee Motor", it constantly reports 0 as battery. I don't mind putting in the extra work, just need to know where to start.

If you enable debug logging and post the live logs just prior to the 0 battery report that may offer some clues.

I reached out to Yooksmart inquiring about how to request it and this is what they sent me some images regarding the Zigbee spec and a trace using WireShark. Is this helpful at all for determining that modifications might be required?

Edit I can't actually upload photos it looks like. Is there a way to be able to show a screenshot of what I'm seeing?

Use the Windows Snipping Tool, control C the snip, then Control V into the post and it will post a png image file.

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