I have recently purchased Hubitat hub + thermostats:
Danfoss Living Connect Radiator Thermostat LC-13 (using ported version of tommysqueak SmartThings driver which I found in this forum)
TKB TZE93.716 using Generic Z-Wave Thermostat driver
Whilst both thermostats work quite OK with Hubitat and Sharptools dashboard I can't send them to google home.
I get a "The following devices are not supported by Google Home and will be removed from your device list:[Bathroom_thermostat, GuestRoom-Thermostat, Kitchen_thermostat, Livingroom_thermostat]" basically removing all my thermostats.
Does anyone have the same problem?
What can I do to make all my thermostats visible in Google Home?
Thank you @putch however I have no visibility or control over Generic Z-wave driver for thermostat as it comes from Hubitat unless theres something I dont understand being fairly new to hubitat environment.
My hope was that it would be working out of the box unfortunately it is not the case
I just tried and see that Virtual Thermostat device ja successfully transferred to Google Home. Anyone can point me to any guide on how to synchronise virtual device with a physical one?
@bobbyD do you want a ticket? the generic Z-wave driver is dose not respond to Google home commands, i think it just needs the capability "Thermostat", or whatever is missing from the capability's of the virtual
Shame, thanks for getting back so quickly though. I used Virtual Devices and Rule Machine to sync Virtual with Physical which seemed to work somehow but not without problems (looses sync often and I get different read on Google, virtual and physical). Still strange that Virtual device driver works OK with Google Home but Generic Z Wave one doesn't...
Ok, thanks. Doesn't work for me. Perhaps it's somehow connected to the actual physical devices which don't respond to Google commands as expected or something
I get the "... Not supported by Google Home.. " error message.