Google Home sees every Device as a Light

For anyone experiencing this issue, following the suggestion in the post on the ST forum linked below solved it for me, specifically the part about removing capabilities. My plugs are now recognized as switches. I do not have experience with fans but you could try to edit out other capabilities not used in the device driver as mentioned in the link. Do note, in my case almost all my devices that had this issue were former Tuya devices, flashed with tasmota firmware. I don't know if this will work for other setups but it's worth a try. You can comment out a driver code line by adding two forward slashes // in front of the line, this will disable the code on that line. Thanks to @Somel for pointing me to the ST forums

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Google Home sees every Device as a Light

One of those hammer and nail problems.
"When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." :wink:

I'm gonna try this out, thanks for giving me a good place to start looking. I hadn't done anything with this since we have no control over the HE google app but changing the device handler might just work for a fan. wonder if it's possible to get it to recognize a fan switch 'dimmer' as not a light.

Will report back if successful with ge zwave+ fan controller switches.

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So, I imported the following driver:

And after playing around for a while, the closest I have come is removing "capability "SwitchLevel" "
If the device contains the word fan, google home identifies it as a fan graphically, but its device type becomes "switch" this means google home can turn off and on the fan but not modify the speed. Hubitat can still set the fan speed normally, however. The upside is the fan does not respond to "turn on/off the lights" with this change.

Unless someone else has an idea, I feel like this is going to have to wait for an improvement of the in box google home app, so it actually sends the fan controller device type supported by google home. I really wish we could get the source code to that app to use as a base.

The Community Google Assistant Integration allows you to define every device exactly how you want to define it. No issues with improper presentation in GH.

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This should be a supported feature of the integration between HE and GH. Is this a GH issue or a HE issue. Is this something that will ever be resolved by HE devs?

I got so frustrated with WEMO connect and the HE-GH integration, that I just dumped both and moved my WEMO smart switches and dimmers directly into GH (works with Google). I then was able to change the device type for the light switches controlling ceiling fans and exhaust fans. Now the light switches controlling fans are properly identified by GH as switches. This means they are no longer within the rooms light group. One less frustration. I still have the issue of GH not being able differentiate from a device and a room full of lights. Sometimes the damn thing turns on ALL lights in the house. :face_with_diagonal_mouth: