Google Home Hub Home/Away


I have the nest ecosystem in my home. i.e. protect, secure, cameras.

Is there a way to get nest/google home (home and away modes) to control hubitat home and away modes?

For something like this I just have a virtual switch on my HE hub that I make available to Google through the app, also on the HE hub. On my Google hub I update the switch when appropriate using a routine. Back on the HE hub setup an RM rule to be triggered on the switch changing state and change the mode accordingly in the actions for the rule.

Edit - actually, you probably should have a switch that automatically switches off for this and is simply used to trigger the transition, i.e. fires the rule when turned on but then turns off straight away. If you want a switch representing the status perhaps setup a second switch that is maintained in a rule triggered by a change in mode, which is only there to view on your Google home, not to update.

If you want to handle more than one mode you may need more than one switch and manage then so that only one is on at a time.

Thanks, So the virtual switch should be triggered i say in google? or will it be able to pick up a "state" from the google environment?