Google home errors

getting the below error anyone else getting these?

2019-10-24 18:49:12.686 errorreportStateResponse Error: { "error": { "code": 429, "message": "Resource has been exhausted (e.g. check quota).", "status": "RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED" }

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I am getting these on a regular basis as well. From what I have been able to find this is related to a google cloud error and there is nothing that hubitat can do about it.

Give your Google a break :slight_smile:



@bobbyD looks like I'm not the only one now. Did you have any luck with the developer?

Nothing very useful: "the user has sent too many sync requests in a given amount of time. The limit is simply one concurrent sync request per user at a time. We don't allow for concurrent requests to be made for the same user."

I've been trying to reproduce, but I am unable to do so, unfortunately.

I can't seem to pin down anything in common when I see them. But when I do, I get at least 2 or 3 in a row.



What would these be? Each time a lamp changes state? I'm not doing anything crazy just turning lights on and off with motion.

I believe this would be syncing the list of devices you have associated with the Google Home integration.

The strangest part...I don't get these errors when I manually sync them by clicking "done" after adding new devices to the list. That goes through without a problem. I don't know what prompts the app to re-sync but it appears it's doing it multiple times in a row. Maybe you have to have a bunch of different devices integrated. Also, when I click done on the list, it always errors for my Hue bridge bulbs. You can't refresh them, since you can only refresh the Hue Bridge device. Could this be contributing to the problem?

I don't have a hue bridge intrigrated. :man_shrugging:t3:

I deleted some devices and added new so maybe it's not delete the old ones correctly?

I didn't say it was the source...just pointing out other things with Google Home that don't seem normal. Unfortunately, this is a Hubitat App so there is very little debugging we can do since we don't have access to the code itself and there is very little logging being done by the app.

No I know was just mentioning the differences so that is can't just be that, as my set up doesn't have it.

When you save your list of devices are there any errors listed at all?

Nor do I which is why I also thought it odd. :man_shrugging:t3: I first thought it must be to do with this and something went wrong so have gone through it again but it's still happening.


Or I wasn't! I just did it again with logs and getting loads.

All the same but no errors on Google home log

That's a very strange error to get in general. What type of device are those two? If something is not being parsed correctly there is something wrong in the driver.

The spots / downlights are the Fibaro dimmer 2 with custom Driver with scenes exposed. The stairs, log store and bookshelf is the Fibaro RGBW controllers using built-in driver.

The parse is due to something not working correctly with the parse function in the driver. You might want to post those wherever you got that driver from for someone to look at those. Something is not being parsed correctly or the parse method is being called incorrectly.

Getting a whole bunch more of these at one time now. Is this something to start to get worried about at some point?