Hi there! I am trying to setup the google assistant relay. The instructions I have found places seem pretty self explanatory. I set it up in a docker and was proceeding through the setup. After I upload the secret (file) and then logon to my google account to allow access for the relay client, it fails on the next screen (url: https://relay-assistant-a81d2.firebaseapp.com/ etc etc) with the following error message: "Unable to process request due to missing initial state. This may happen if browser sessionStorage is inaccessible or accidentally cleared.". I've tried to use different browsers, different accounts, different computers. Even tried a few times over a week with no other luck. Is there no way to get this setup successfully now? Help! I need this for a lot of reasons but specifically for my nest yale door lock. Thanks in advance.
Ugh, no one else has had issues setting this up lately?
Here is a thread started (a long time ago) by the developer. If you don't see an answer in there, you may want to tag.