I haven't touched my Hubitat in about 5 months, it's been that reliable. However, today we came home from a short trip and the air conditioner did not kick on in response to our presence detectors successfully running the "Someone Came Home" apps. The logs showed those apps ran. However, both GoControl thermostats are still at their away settings (55 degrees for Heat and 85 degrees for cooling). These apps have always worked reliably in the past. The battery level of both thermostats is 93% and 97% respectively. Neither thermostat responds to manual settings from dashboard or device controller. I even excluded a device and re-paired it. What a mistake that was....it took me 3 hours to repair all the BROKEN automations I created. Why can't Hubitat keep what was there before in an info field or something. But, re-pairing the thermostats did not do any good. They still do not respond to any commands from the hub. Has anybody heard of something like this before. To be honest, the thermostat control is the main reason I invested in Hubitat. If I can't get these thermostats working, I'm going back to Honeywell.
Removing a device when it is still in use by automations is almost never a good idea, and is why a very prominent confirmation box pops up that explains the consequences of proceeding with device removal. Like so:
The issue you ran into is a consequence of how z-wave works, and as far as I know, there’s not much Hubitat can do about that. When a z-wave device is joined to the hub, it receives a new z-wave node ID, even if it was paired to the hub previously. That is a problem for the automations that were using the device’s previous ID.
In contrast, zigbee works differently and a zigbee device that is removed and re-paired to the hub will have the same ID, so therefore the automations that device was a part of will continue working as intended once the device is re-paired.
Have you checked the logs for the thermostats? Are you able to turn on debug logging from either of the device settings pages?
That is not possible and has nothing to do with hubitat but with the architecture of z-wave. What you should have done is simply shutdown the hub, unplugged for a couple of mins and powered back up and see how things were. If you still needed to remove and repair the thermostat you should have simply created a virtual thermostat named it temp-thermostat or something like that then used device swap before excluding and re including. That way when you brought the thermostat back in you could have run device swap and withing 3 seconds all your rules would have been whole. Personally I don't like the go control thermostats. I use a Honeywell t6 Pro. What driver are you using? When you say they're not responding, are you running the commands right from the device page?
Thanks for your replies and the education on Z-Wave. It turns out I had two malfunctioning GE 1491 Z-Wave paddle switches. One acted as a three way switch to the other and I had an app that coordinated the On/Off states of the two switches based on whichever switch was activated. Both switches had blinking blue lights and the logs showed polling going across the network every second or two. I think this garbaged up the mesh and prevented apps from running correctly and devices from responding to apps. Once I replaced the two switches, everything on the network returned to normal--except my Life 360 Connector which no matter what I do, keeps giving me a Login Failed. But that's for a different post.
Not familiar with Device Swap. I'll have to research that for the next time I need to replace a device.
it's under settings. So lets say you have 1 device. We'll say a motion sensor tied to 7 different rules. Obviously it's a pain if something happens to that device. So you can create a virtual device, lets call it dummy-motion sensor. You then use device swap to say, hey, switch this motion sensor out in all rules that ave it with dummy motion sensor. You can then safely remove the motion sensor for either swapping in a new one or resetting and repairing the old one or what have you.
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