GoControl Garage Door Opener Errors

I have successfully "securely" paired my GoControl Garge Door Opener and it is listed as a generic z-wave garage door opener. I wrote a simple rule machine code to open the door when I arrive and close it when I leave using a presence sensor. Thus far closing after I leave seems to work but opening, when I arrive, does not. Not sure what gives but looking at the logs I am getting a lot of errors as shown below. Can anyone tell me what these errors mean? Certainly, something is wrong.

dev:812019-10-15 01:01:19.688 pm debugzw device: 06, command: 9881, payload: 00 66 03 00 , isMulticast: false parsed to [['name':'contact', 'value':'closed', 'displayed':false], ['name':'door', 'value':'closed', 'descriptionText':Garage Golf Door Z-Wave Opener is closed]]

dev:812019-10-15 01:01:19.685 pm infoGarage Golf Door Z-Wave Opener is closed

dev:812019-10-15 01:01:19.682 pm debugBarrierOperatorReport- BarrierOperatorReport(barrierState:0)

dev:812019-10-15 12:41:19.219 pm debugzw device: 06, command: 9881, payload: 00 66 03 00 , isMulticast: false parsed to [['name':'contact', 'value':'closed', 'displayed':false], ['name':'door', 'value':'closed', 'descriptionText':Garage Golf Door Z-Wave Opener is closed]]

These are not errors. These are normal debug messages that are logged when you have "debug logging" turned on. You can see because the type of message posted is either info or debug. You don't have any errors or warnings.

This level of logging shuts itself off 30 minutes after being turned on.
Make sure that the door controller works correctly from the driver page first, then you'll know if it's your automation or the controller that isn't working as you expect.

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