Giving up on battery level checks

Nope. I haven’t done any digging. @mike.maxwell, any thoughts on this?

Probably old firmware on the device, in any event there's nothing that we can do about it.

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Any fix since this last post for the v1 sensors?

Nope. Any time I find a negative value I either replace the battery or buy a new sensor without that issue.

I've run into similar issues (not the negative battery, but unreliable sensor battery read outs, or going from reporting 60% to dying).

I've deployed the following two tactics which has made my house super reliable;

  1. Using Device Watch-dog, I have a battery report run every day (or 2 days can't remember) to tell me if anything has dropped below 60%

  2. . Using Device Watch-dog, I have a "Activity Status" report that runs every night at 1:30am. I set it so that any device I am "watching", if I don't hear from it for 48 hours, I get a notification.

#2 has saves me dozens of times, specifically for sensors that have just died when their battery reporting says they should have had more live in them (e.g. at 55%). This has been particularly true for some water sensors and my Schlage Door. Once or twice, this has also helped me learn when a device has just 'fallen off my mesh" or someone in my family has disconnected something I have plugged in (or manually turned off a switch where I have a smart bulb.

All in all, @bptworld's app has been a true difference maker in my house.