Ghost schedule

Having trouble with some Zigbee Sengled lights. For some reason they come on in the middle of the day. There is no schedule or rule telling them to come on. Is there a way to reset this or see what’s driving them to turn on? It’s been over a year now and I just haven’t had time to mess with it. There are 5 bulbs in a group for our driveway and they are in a group. I have deleted the group and still have issues.

Look at the device details, event details and see what it says is triggering the lights. Shgould be listed there.

Example - see commend-setLevel event below, Produced By column:

Actually the triggered apps is what was TOLD the status changed.
You want to look for "Produced by"

@JasonJoel hey you fixed your mistake as I was correcting you....

Anyway, here is my example I was getting.
You can see the "command-on" was produced by the Amazon skill, which tells me that Alexa turned it on via voice command or hunches (can look in Alexa's history to find out which).
Then the device replied with an "on" event which triggered the listed apps.

If you have the bulb shared to Alexa I would put money on that it is Alexa hunches.

Hunches is on by default. You can turn it off in the Alexa app, or by voice. Say "Disable Hunches."

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Thanks. I think I need more coffee. :wink:

Type command is blank, but I do see the Alexa app in the triggered. I will check that out.

Well, hunches was already turned off. Interesting. I also checked sharptools rules and there was nothing in there either. IFFFT also has no rules..

That is the driver event. You should look right below that even and see if there is the actual command TO the driver.

This is the group lighting app. Interesting that some are on, all are on, then some are on. The top line is when I noticed them on and shut them off. Am I missing something here?

Show us the full events tab from one of the devices (not the group) around the time period they turned on.
The one event you showed just tells us the device turned on and what apps got notified of that. It does not show what told it to turn on.

If there is no "command-on" before the "on" then the device was turned on from something not routing through HE, or turned on by itself.

Here is a shot of one of the lights in the group. The on command on 1/21 at around 4:21 is on, and there was no command for it to turn on. Thank you for the help.

That is telling us the device is just reporting on and off events back to the hub. The hub never commanded it to change or there would be "command-" events. Do you have any sort of zigbee bindings setup or anything else that could control the device without going through the hub?

Sorry I am not a Zigbee expert so not sure what else to check.

Zigbee experts - Would doing a factory reset on the device and then joining the device back clear out any bindings or groups?

Hi, thank you for look at this and confirming the events page. I do not have any bindings for the zigbee devices. My last resort is to reset and join them back. Unless someone else has any other suggestions or locations to look.