Ghost Devices

I think the problem I was having is my ver of PC controller looks different. (5.50.102)

But I did go back and got it excluded ok now.

In my PC controller version, you have to go to the tools dropdown and select Zwave PC Controller to get the GUI with the buttons to appear like you show in #8. If you don't use the Tools menu dropdown, this window will not show for people to continue with your instructions.


Glad you got it excluded successfully. :slight_smile:

Can you provide a screen shot to clarify what didn't work the way you expected? I've launched the PC Controller app directly from a link, by searching for "PC Controller" using the Windows "Type here to search" field in the taskbar, and from the Simplicity Studio Tools option, and the app looks the same regardless how I launch it. Also launched 5.50.102 next to 5.39 and they look the same to me.

I included and excluded my UZB stick using the newer 5.50 version of PC Controller and the process works the same as it did in the 5.39 version. I also launched it from the Simplicity Studio and it looks the same as far as I can tell.

Can you clarify what you mean by "If you don't use the Tools menu dropdown this window will not show..."

Which window are you referring to? Thanks! Want to make sure the instructions are working as expected.

Also - make sure you have the currrent version of the instructions.

When you first launch Simplicity studio it opens with

On the left menu bar Tools must be opened and a drop down then lets you choose PC COntroller

This step is omitted in your instructions. Took me a while to figure that one out.

Thanks for clarifying...

I"ve updated step 5 to make this clearer:

  1. Open the Z-Wave PC Controller app. You can 1) Create a desktop shortcut using the link provided above in step 2; or 2) Open Simplicity Studio and use the Tools option in the menu to open the Tools dialog; or 3) Search for "PC Controller" using the Windows "Type here to search" field in the taskbar.

Step 2 has had this info, but clearly it wasn't clear enough and likely gets lost in all the details:

Once the PC Controller app is installed you can create a shortcut to access the app directly from your desktop using this link: C:\SiliconLabs\SimplicityStudio\v5\developer\tools\zwave\pc_controller\ZWaveControllerUI.exe

Thanks for your feedback, appreciate it.


Thank you so much for putting these instructions together!


Will a ghost node have a description of specific type power switch binary or specific type routing sensor binary?

It should - depending upon how successfully it paired I guess.

Some have routing information off to the right and some don’t. None of them have names assigned to them. Also some have neighbors too. I just didn’t want to delete something I might need.

In the PC Controller controller sw you mean?

This is on the HE software under zwave settings.

So I'm not sure what you want apologies! Are you trying to identify what device it is?

I was just trying to figure out if it’s a ghost node and I should get rid of it.

Ah okay can you show the whole line in a screencap?

Sure, I have a repair running at the moment. I’ll take a screenshot when it’s done. All it says on the other side is the discover button and some have routing information all the way to the right.

Also if it is a battery operated device like an Aeotec MS6 (mine shows up with that type) then it could just be the lack of communication and not an issue.

Thanks for that - It does not look like a ghost to me. What device is it? Do you know?

I don’t have a clue on that on. That’s why I was scared to remove it.