Getting rid of old/unused State Variables

Are you confusing the state’s with the attributes?

I use state .clear() in a number of my drivers just fine.

State is just a variable in the driver and the attributes are ‘states a device is currently in’ which are available to apps to query. Not sure if I confused things more with that explanation though.

No, I don't think I'm confused. I think there is some overlap. As far as I can tell the attributes are retrieved via getCurrentStates() with a class that is called "com.hubitat.hub.domain.State" even. Iterate over device.getCurrentStates() and check device.currentStates if you don't know what I mean.

A more correct way to say a state that is covered by a device capability is just to say attribute though. So, I will refer to them as built-in attributes to hopefully lessen any confusion going forward.

Ya. I think its just some bad naming. state.clear() though works on the state object which I think is just a map or list (or a special version of one of the two) which is separate from the attributes.

That's how I understand it though. If I'm wrong I'm sure one of the devs will chime in and I'll learn something new.

Ah, yeah, I just checked again because it's been a long time since I iterated "state" and you are right. No overlap here.

Okay, so my question is slightly different but since I already @mentioned Mike to come here I'll leave my question here.

To sum up, I would like a way to clear an attribute (or a state from getCurrentStates). The attributes won't show up until the first event and are then there forever. I would like to remove one without removing the device and re-adding so that device drivers that support multiple device types can code around showing attributes that don't really apply on the dashboard for examples.

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I'm well out of my pay grade but is it possible a driver could be written to do this. Say similar to "Basic Z-Wave Tool"?

One wouldn't have to exclude and repair.

I just tried swapping the driver for my HS-WD200+ and the state variables remain. Now can they be found with a driver, I can't say.

You can't clear events (attribute values) without deleting the device.

Any chance that could change? Or is it more complicated than it seems to provide? I think the reason for the ask is at least valid, right?

It would allow a device driver to handle multiple device models potentially without messing up how they are viewed on dashboard. My biggest use case is a motion sensor that can have a battery or can be plugged in or a motion sensor driver that covers many motion sensors, some of which don't support batteries.


I performed this test:

My Inovelli had a State Variable: " oldLabel: Garage Flood "

  1. I added the highlighted code to your "Basic Z-Wave Tool" (see below)
  2. Replaced my Inovelli NZW31 with the Basic Z-Wave Tool
  3. All the state variables could be seen with the Basic Tool as the driver
  4. l asked for a Parameter Report


The "oldLabel: Garage Flood" was no longer shown.

I reverted back to the Inovelli Driver and the removed State variable did not reappear.

Perhaps the driver did not try to recreate the "oldLabel:" as I did not try to change the Label.

Was what I did just suppressing the display?


No, I've muddied the water a little. There are two places referred to as state in drivers:

  • state (which this post was originally about and you've shown
  • device.getCurrentStates() which is what I've introduced and stores attributes

Removing anything from state works. Removing attributes is what doesn't.

That's OK. From my standpoint the state.variables (correct term?) is all I care about. Sometime back I switched from one driver to another. The old driver left a bunch of state.variables on the device page which annoyed me (I think it's a personality disorder :slight_smile: ) . I was able to remove them using the above method.
Hence my original question: Is it possible to create an driver like the "Basic Z-Wave Tool" to wipe out the current state values for the reason I stated above?

Thanks for the explanation on the two "state" types.



It is more complicated than that.
We have discussed dynamic device capabilities, however it's not something we expect to entertain.

I don't think I'm asking for fully dynamic capabilities though it would be nice. I want to remove an attribute value which I guess means I want to delete the event.

Do you still have a copy of this?

Probably but it's incorporated into the Device driver.

Temporarily change your device to use the Device driver, click Save Device and then you get:

Click the Delete buttons, then swap back to your actual driver and it's all good.


it would appear that simply calling currentState.remove() removes all current states / (attributes) and then they will repopulate as and when they are sent as new events... enjoy :+1:t3:

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Can you share a code snippet that uses this? I get a missing method exception.

One from my stash that has similar capability



static String version()	{  return '0.0.0'  }
definition (
	name: 			"Quick and Dirty", 
	namespace: 		"thebearmay", 
	author: 		"Jean P. May, Jr.",
	description: 	"Allow killing of current states",
	category: 		"Utility",
	importUrl: "",
    installOnOpen:  true,
	oauth: 			false,
    iconUrl:        "",
    iconX2Url:      ""

preferences {
   page name: "mainPage"
   page name: "deviceCharacteristics"
   page name: "dumper"
   page name: "Tesla"
def installed() {
//	log.trace "installed()"
    state?.isInstalled = true

def updated(){
//	log.trace "updated()"
    if(!state?.isInstalled) { state?.isInstalled = true }
	if(debugEnable) runIn(1800,logsOff)

def initialize(){

void logsOff(){

def mainPage(){
    dynamicPage (name: "mainPage", title: "", install: true, uninstall: true) {
      	if (app.getInstallationState() == 'COMPLETE') {   
                input "qryDevice", "capability.*", title: "Devices of Interest:", multiple: false, required: true, submitOnChange: true
                if (qryDevice != null) {
                    input "stateStr", "string", title:"Current State to Remove", submitOnChange: true
                    if (stateStr != null)
                        input "removeState", "button", title: "Remove"
                input "debugEnabled", "bool", title: "Debug?"
                if(state?.btnPush) {
                    state.btnPush = false

	    } else {
		    section("") {
			    paragraph title: "Click Done", "Please click Done to install app before continuing"

def appButtonHandler(btn) {
    switch(btn) {
          case "removeState":
            state.btnPush = true
              log.error "Undefined button $btn pushed"
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Thank you, but I am hoping to remove Event history, not State variables.

@Baz2473 used some terms (attributes, events, etc) that lead me to believe he found a method to do that.

Currently on my mobile so here’s the best I can do for you.

Create the command so a new button appears in the driver.

Use that button to call the function.

I have 2.

deleteAllStates = deletes all stored states and atomicStates


delectAllCurrentStates = deletes all current states in the event / attribute side. They will then repopulate as and when they get sent again.

A few screenshots for ya.