Getting exception with new RM 3.0

Updated tonight and getting an error after creating a new rule:

app:12042019-04-29 09:44:00.199 pm errorjava.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.math.BigDecimal (allHandlerT)

Please show the rule.

Outside-930Built In App


Name Type Value

actSubTypeTrue.1 enum Fade these dimmers over time
actTypeTrue.1 enum Set Dimmers
atTime1 time 9:30 PM
dimFadeTargetTrue.1 text 50
dimFadeTimeTrue.1 number 15
dimFadeTrue.1 capability.switchLevel Garage Door Lights, Front Door Lights
logging bool true
origLabel text Outside-930
tCapab1 enum Certain Time
time1 enum A specific time
Event Subscriptions

No Event Subscriptions are set.

Application State

Name Value

actCondNdx -1
actionDone true
actionListTrue [1]
actionsTrue {1={wait=, modes={}, method=getFadeDimmer, cond=0}}
actNdx 2
cancelList []
cancelListPend []
capabActDone false
capabDone true
capabsfalse {}
capabstrue {1.true=When time is 9:30 PM EDT, 2.true={}}
certainTimes []
cstCmds []
hasAll false
hasCondition false
howManyT 2
inRepeat false
installedCapabs [Polling, PowerMeter, PushableButton, IlluminanceMeasurement, ReleasableButton, Battery, Outlet, MotionSensor, ColorTemperature, Initialize, Light, Thermostat, Refresh, RelativeHumidityMeasurement, TamperAlert, EnergyMeter, RelaySwitch, ColorMode, TemperatureMeasurement, HoldableButton, SwitchLevel, Switch, ChangeLevel, Configuration, Actuator, ColorControl, Sensor, DoubleTapableButton, VoltageMeasurement]
isExpert false
lastCodes {}
lastEvtDate 29-Apr-2019
lastEvtTime 09:58 PM
ndx.true 2
paramNdx 1
paramsDone false
private true
repeating false
ruleType trig
subscribedVariables []
varUseList {}
Scheduled Jobs

Handler Next Run Time Prev Run Time Status Schedule

allHandlerT 2019-04-30 9:30:00 PM EDT PENDING 0 30 21 * * ?

Thanks, but I meant the main rule setup page.


Yes, thanks. There is definitely a bug there. There are a bunch of things wrong with fade over time. We will get those fixed and released.

This bug has been found and fixed. The fix will be in the next hot fix release.


Thanks! Any timeline for release? i have 5-6 other rules that do the same thing now.

Found a bug with text messages, The message will not send because it thinks the country code is incorrect, eventhough i use the following US format: +11234567890

app:12152019-04-30 07:45:03.610 am errorjava.lang.Exception: Invalid phone number, numbers must start with + and be followed by country code and phone number (appButtonHandler)

We are investigating this...

Getting a different error:

 groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: java.math.BigDecimal.minus() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String) values: [8]

I deleted almost everything from the rule and figured out this was causing it:

(edit: I am not allowed to post images, otherwise there would be a screenshot here)

Fade Kitchen Wall down to 8 over 3 minutes

If I change "8" in the fade action, the final number in the error message ("values: [8]") changes to match.

There was a bug in 2.0.9 with Fade Dimmer over Time. Now fixed in the latest release, just released.

1 Like

So, very recently having moved from Wink to Hubitat, I need to ask (comments about new problems are the prompt) - are past releases available for download with an ability to revert so one can return to firmware which works for them (I understand a downrev might also require having an in-sync backup to restore to)?

(your Hub IP Address):8081

Will display a list of previous versions it's got saved. (None ifthe Hub is brand new.)


That particular Hub is just over a week old... only a few are retained... this shows a total of three versions.

Thanks, this fixed the exceptions I was getting. However my rules still aren't running right. I've created a test rule that should dim two lights to two different levels over one minute, but only the last action is fully executed. The first action dims one step, and then stops. I think I can post screenshots now:

and the log when i click 'run this trigger':

This happened with a much more involved trigger, but I reduced it to this for testing.

EDIT to note: this was happening when I was getting exceptions too, but I thought it was related to the exceptions.

OK, figured this one out. It was left over from old Rule-2.5 which would only have one of these per rule. Thanks for bringing my attention to it. The rework for simultaneous ones of these running was straight-forward. This will get into an upcoming release.


Awesome. And I gotta say, ya'll are killing it with the support here.

1 Like

I'm not sure if was intended to address this, but I'm now getting a new & different error with my 'test' rule:

Is this for the same test rule you show above?

Yep, unchanged. I was thinking I'd delete it and re-add it when I get home from work today, since I created it on the previous hot patch version. Not sure if there's any chance that would matter, but it only takes a minute to do.