Getting error on setVariable from dashboard

I get this error on saving a variable from the dashboard. From the device page it works though.

You are trying to use this tile for the Global Variable Connector device, correct? It appears that the device in question is not the Global Variable Connector.

But that device was created by RM and is the child device of the RM connector device. :grimacing:

What type of variable is it?

Show the Global Variables section of Rule Machine.

Thanks. I will investigate. That should not throw an error.

You chose a Temperature connector, but a Variable Decimal template. Those two must match up.

Perhaps you should remove that Connector, and the re-create it as a Variable Connector. Then it would work as expected.

Ok, I've deleted the connector. Created a new one and choose variable. I recreated the tile on the dashboard and now it works! (Thank you) A very little feature request is a field for the tile to put in a postfix text. For the value on the tile. :blush:

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