Getting "Error 500" when updating an App

Whenever I try to save updates to an App I'm getting "Error 500". For instance I've changed to the KOF driver that allows the fan speeds to be child devices. I wanted to add them to Alexa. I choose them and click "done" only to get Error 500. Same goes if I want to go into the button controllers app and make a change to a button.

I've rebooted my hub and I'm still getting "Error 500".

Anyone else seeing this?

Now it's starting to look like I only get Error 500 when selecting a child device.

Do you have the live logger open? Do you see any error messages in there?

With logger open and trying to add one of the child devices to the Alexa app I get no log entries at all.

7 posts were split to a new topic: Error 500 when trying to create child app