Hi All,
I'm still on firmware version as I've seen a lot of issues from posted from people updating to 2.2.5.
It seems both my wife's Android Hubitat App and mine have stopped sending their location to the hub. Early today we were both away from the house, the mobile apps each said we were out of the geofence, yet the devices in hubitat still showed as present.
Any ideas how to get things working again?
I did upgrade to 2.2.5, but had the same issue starting last night (January 26) - iOS Hubitat app was showing correctly whether I was in or out of the geofence, but it wasn’t sending that update to the hub. This morning, after hitting the “Send Geo Event” two or three times, it finally updated.
Maybe an outage up in the Hubitat cloud?
i have seen the same thing regarless of version.. my workaround is to remove app from phone. reinstall
choose existing user, log back in,
open app
and make sure location permision (in android) is allowed. then goto geo settings wait a couple of minutes and settings and hit send geo event.