For a little over a year now I have been successfully using the Device Watchdog app to monitor whether or not my Zigbee wall-mounted power outlets were connected and working by monitoring the Last Activity attribute.
Because some of my Sengled outlets were powering alarm sirens, I could not periodically turn them on and off in order to check each hour if they were still connected. Instead, up until now (and the key phrase is “up until now”, LOL), I was able to get the Last Activity attribute on the Generic Zigbee Outlet driver to update by setting up a RM rule that would trigger the “Configure” command on the device page.
I just updated to and I don’t know if this is just a coincidence but when I hit the Configure command, the Last Activity attribute no longer updates. I also tried the “Refresh” command as well. I am able to control the outlets from the device page and my associated dashboards so I know they are connected. However, because I am no longer able to update the the Last Activity attribute (without actually turning each device On then Off), I am getting reports every hour now from Device Watchdog that my outlets are no longer connected.
I do not think this is a Device Watchdog issue as I am not able to update the Last Activity time and date by using the Configure button on the device page itself (whereas up until now, I was able to do so). Device Watchdog merely reads the “old” Last Activity data which is several hours past the “inactivity” threshold. Again, everything was working fine right up to me updating to early this morning.
Can @bobbyD or anyone else on the Hubitat support staff assist me in this? TIA so much for any help you can give me as the problem started within a couple of hours after I updated to Thanks again for all you do!