Generic Zigbee Outlet Driver- Triple Play

Hey Folks,

I have some Third Reality NON-power monitoring plugs (Gen 1 I think they called em) using the Generic Zigbee Outlet driver and am getting 3 times the feedback for every on or off event . Anyone else noticing this?

I am on the latest firmware for the device, and here are the Device Details,


the device isn't receiving the command acks from the hub, so its resending the reports...
what power level are you running?

My Hue motion sensors acted up yesterday.
Did a soft reset and restore.
Seemed to cure it.

I am at power level 12, the plug is literally 4 feet away from the hub in open air.

that means not much, can you post your zigbee map?

I was just getting it for you, lol. Bit messy looking, but I do have a few repeaters.

well it says its a neighbor but it's acting like it isn't.
Do you have other outlets of the same make model?, are any of them doing the same?
I've not seen this before, hopefully things will calm down in a bit.

I have 8 of these. At least two other are kinda doing it. but not consistently, and not in 3's. I have only tested 3 of them. Maybe this one plug needs a reset or something.

I think there is something weird with these TR plugs, now it appears it wont stay connected and they are slow to respond. I have to command it on twice to actually turn on, then it functions ok (still slow in my opinion and been like that since new) as long as the time in between activations is short. If I leave it for a period (hour(s)?) then back to the commanding it twice to respond. Should have bought something more reputable. The GE plug in dimmers I bought are really fast, couple driver quirks it appears, but they work well. Might ditch these TR plugs and pick up some GE plug in switches.

If you could make it so it's repeatable that would probably help. That's seems to be real hard though with the recent zigbee woes in general.

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@mike.maxwell @chad.andrews

I have the same thing going on. I have 9 of the 3A Smart Home DE zigbee wall outlets and they are producing more than 5x the traffic than all my other other zigbee devices. Are the 3A the same as Third Reality?

In any event, this all seems to have started after I upgraded to a C8 and I like many others have experienced zigbee reboots. I'm averaging one or two a day... I've only had minor zigbee issues compared to many others, but when looking at my logs, this stands out a lot...

I'd hate to have to replace 9 internal wall outlets... :frowning:

Here is my device info:

  • endpointId: 0B
  • application: 01
  • driver: v1.0.1.1123
  • firmwareMT: 117E-0000-00000001
  • isMultiEP: false
  • manufacturer: 3A Smart Home DE
  • model: LXN56-0S27LX1.1
  • powerCluster: none
  • softwareBuild: 00000001

I'm using the generic zigbee switch driver, but tried the outlet driver and a few others with the same result.

Here is the map.

They are not.

Here are screen captures comparing the messages of top devices and bottom devices when sorted based on MSGS from highest to lowest... Notice the Jasco wall outlets are very quiet compared to the 3A...

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