Generic Z-Wave driver issues with 2.x

This is the first I've heard about the "smart" Z-Wave driver for Z+. Some of my devices have been pulled out of random bins and I'm not sure which are which. Is there a way to know if a given switch is plus?

I tried to use the device selection list from the Z-Wave Polling app, on the theory that only non-Plus devices would be offered. But my Zooz dimmer was listed and my docs say it is Plus.

How about: is there a downside to using the smart driver for non-Plus devices?

Look for the 0x5E entry in the device fingerprint.


The Generic Zwave Dimmer allows for polling since it is assumed that it is the non-plus version and would need it for physical events. The "Smart" version assumes it is the Plus version that reports physical events on their own.

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Further to @stephack response, the "Smart" versions do NOT have the refresh method coded in. If you include a device in ZWave Poller that uses that driver, it does nothing. Well nothing wonderful. :slight_smile: You'd "eat" a slot in the refresh algorithm with nothing going out the ZWave radio.