Generic Thermostat

Updated to latest firmware. Still can't control my GoControl thermostats with either the Generic DTH or the CT100 DTH. Both drivers will let you change the Fan and System settings, but neither one will let you change the Setpoints. Tried uninstalling and re-installing the device after firmware update with no success. Any suggestions to try?

I see the same with my CT100 and the Generic Z-Wave Thermostat.
I can turn the fan on/auto.
I can set the mode to heat/cool/auto.
I cannot set the heating or cooling setpoint.

Is there anything in the live logs when you attempt to update the setpoints?

@mike.maxwell Unfortunately there are no logs created when I try to change the setpoints. Changing modes (Off, Auto, Cool, Heat) works and there is nothing written in the logs when I use those functions either. Debug logging is enabled on the thermostat.

This is what I get in the logs. I have attached two screenshots. One is using the Generic DTH and the other is when using the custom CT100 DTH.

What's the "Temp Scale" in your Location settings?

F - Fahrenheit

What's the model # of your thermostat?

Have you tried changing either setpoint while it's set to auto?

Have you tried changing the heating setpoint while it's set to cool or vice versa?

Same questions to you @rayzurbock

Thermostat is a GoControl NTBZ48

I just tried changing set points as you prescribed, with no luck. I have attached the logs. I did notice that under the Current States there are three options - coolingSetpoint, heatingSetpoint and thermostatSetpoint. Are we sending the correct command for changing setpoint?

Logs below. I also included two screen shots of the logs from WebCore executing the commands successfully with two different commands on the ST platform. Perhaps this helps?




We found a bug in one of the zwave commands used in this driver, we'll get this sorted in the next release.

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