GE ZWave Failed - Need to Replace with?

:face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:

LOL. Just kidding - it is just my OCD acting up.

I hear you! I started to install the Zooz switch in my master bathroom and immediately OCD kicked in. This is installed in my son's room, who doesn't seem to care (really doesn't have a choice :grin:)

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Ahhhh, cool. Yeah I'm just kinda curious what we should be expecting for lifespan. I like the other wall switch version with the center return toggle which looks more I one the switches we grew up with. I had some old X 10 switches, and man, what ever compelled them to design those the way they did is a mystery to me. Everyone who wasn't a full blown automation and other nerdware geek hated them. They didn't look or operate in any way that could be familiar to the uninitiated. I'll leave it at that.... I sorta feel like I'm being THAT guy who still complains about and ridicules an annoying or mean family member constantly... Who died a decade ago....

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