GE Zigbee Dimmer Not Responding to Rule

I have been fighting with bathroom lighting levels for a few weeks. I attempted to use the Mode/Motion app, Basic Rules, Simple Rules, and Rule Machine. Nothing works right. Finally, I settled on just developing a Simple Rule similar to someone else's post for a different project. Nothing worked. I simplified the rule to
On Closed contacts, Set Level of light to 15%.

Nothing. This is nearly identical to two other working rules I have on the pantry and hall closets. Open Contacts, turn on light. Close Contacts, turn off. The difference is I am using a dimmer and the Set Level command. In frustration, I added the bedroom dimmer to see if I could isolate the problem. The bedroom dimmer worked just fine. Close the contacts, the bedroom light comes on and adjusts to the desired level. Hmmm. It is a GE Zwave dimmer.

In the logs, the rule shows it activating and sending commands to the dimmer. The dimmer logs them but doesn't actually work. See Logs excerpt below.
The odd thing is that dimmer does work from Alexa, the HE phone UI, and HE web UI. So, it accepts digital commands. Just not from a Simple Rule. The Mode/Motion app is hinky. Sometimes things happen, sometimes not. So, I am not including it here. One problem at a time.

In Simple Rules there is a field called "Fade Rate," is that measured in seconds or minutes? Or, something else? I cannot locate it in the documentation.

Thank you in advance for any assistance.

Door Sensor Contacts log
dev:5502022-03-18 04:14:45.123 am infoMaster bath door Sensor was opened

dev:5502022-03-18 04:14:35.740 am infoMaster bath door Sensor was closed

dev:5502022-03-18 04:14:21.169 am infoMaster bath door Sensor was opened

dev:5502022-03-18 04:10:06.832 am infoMaster bath door Sensor was closed

dev:5502022-03-18 02:58:12.887 am infoMaster bath door Sensor was opened

dev:5502022-03-18 02:56:32.354 am infoMaster bath door Sensor was closed

dev:5502022-03-18 02:55:01.342 am infoMaster bath door Sensor was opened

dev:5502022-03-18 02:54:00.220 am infoMaster bath door Sensor was closed

Rule Log
app:8362022-03-18 06:48:19.715 infoTurn On & Set Level Bathroom Light, Bedroom Light when Master bath door Sensor Opened anti-Turn On & Set Level

app:8362022-03-18 06:48:15.129 infoTurn On & Set Level Bathroom Light, Bedroom Light when Master bath door Sensor Opened Turn On & Set Level

app:8362022-03-18 06:47:52.560 infoTurn On & Set Level Bathroom Light, Bedroom Light when Master bath door Sensor Opened anti-Turn On & Set Level

app:8362022-03-18 06:47:42.700 infoTurn On & Set Level Bathroom Light, Bedroom Light when Master bath door Sensor Opened Turn On & Set Level

app:8362022-03-18 06:46:00.499 infoTurn On & Set Level Bathroom Light, Bedroom Light when Master bath door Sensor Opened anti-Turn On & Set Level

app:8362022-03-18 06:45:54.714 infoTurn On & Set Level Bathroom Light, Bedroom Light when Master bath door Sensor Opened Turn On & Set Level

app:8362022-03-18 06:45:27.881 infoTurn On & Set Level Bathroom Light when Master bath door Sensor Opened anti-Turn On & Set Level

app:8362022-03-18 06:45:24.601 infoTurn On & Set Level Bathroom Light when Master bath door Sensor Opened Turn On & Set Level

app:8362022-03-18 06:44:37.027 infoTurn On & Set Level Bathroom Light when Master bath door Sensor Closed Turn On & Set Level

app:8362022-03-18 06:43:33.550 infoTurn On & Set Level Bathroom Light when Master bath door Sensor Closed anti-Turn On & Set Level

app:8362022-03-18 06:43:18.876 infoTurn On & Set Level Bathroom Light when Master bath door Sensor Closed Turn On & Set Level

app:8362022-03-18 04:14:35.795 infoTurn On & Set Level Bathroom Light when Master bath door Sensor Closed Turn On & Set Level

app:8362022-03-18 04:10:06.925 infoTurn On & Set Level Bathroom Light when Master bath door Sensor Closed Turn On & Set Level

app:8362022-03-18 02:56:32.423 infoTurn On & Set Level Bathroom Light when Master bath door Sensor Closed Turn On & Set Level

Bathroom dimmer
dev:4042022-03-18 07:19:44.779 infoBathroom Light was turned off [physical]

dev:4042022-03-18 06:48:32.719 infoBathroom Light level was set to 40% [digital]

dev:4042022-03-18 06:48:27.666 infoBathroom Light was turned on [digital]

dev:4042022-03-18 06:48:13.166 infoBathroom Light was turned off [physical]

dev:4042022-03-18 06:48:04.508 infoBathroom Light level was set to 17% [physical]

dev:4042022-03-18 06:47:59.459 infoBathroom Light level was set to 19% [digital]

dev:4042022-03-18 06:47:54.445 infoBathroom Light was turned on [digital]

dev:4042022-03-18 05:38:46.633 infoBathroom Light was turned off [physical]

dev:4042022-03-18 05:35:32.502 infoBathroom Light level was set to 54% [digital]

dev:4042022-03-18 05:35:27.520 infoBathroom Light was turned on [digital]

dev:4042022-03-18 04:14:32.850 infoBathroom Light was turned off [physical]


Try taking the 'dimmer' and fade setting out of the picture by treating it as a switch using on/off. Also in the device page for the dimmer and the contact sensor turn on debug - that way every thing happens on one log page so it's easier to see the sequence of events.

Which exact model? Older GE didn't always report their status, and rules using these dimmers may not function correctly. Along that same line, what driver (Device Type) is this switch using?

Also, please post screenshots of your logs, it is LOT easier to read them than when cut/paste is used.

This is a new device, installed about a month ago.

Device Info:

It uses the GE driver.

I will try it as a "switch" in a few moments. Have to let the wife vacate first.

Debug is now set to ON.
Also, FYI, Pre-staging is set to ON.

Hey! That worked!
The lights came on, then adjusted according to Mode/Motion settings. Sort of what I want in the long term. A huge first step.

My end goal is to have the bathroom lights come on at different levels at different times of the day depending on Mode (Day, Evening, Night, Wake).
I have found that you can't make this happen IF the lights are activated via physical switch. They must be activated using a digital command. Hence, using the contact switches on the doors. A motion sensor is not being used because we have big dogs that have a water bowl in the bathroom. I may incorporate a motion sensor + contacts to active things later. Right now, I have been going crazy trying just getting the lights to behave.

Logs attached as requested.
Rule Log.

Switch Log

Excellent. We know the problem is dimmer part or the fade part. If it was me I would not use fade, for now. Try dimming at 50.% If that works 25%, if that works 15% - I'm guess you dimmer AND the light load won't go that low but it's only a guess.

Using either physical switch or the HE UI I can adjust the lights down to about 10% before they flicker. And, it is too low to be useful. Also, the device settings within HE has a default of 30%, but lower settings are available. I changed the minimum to 15% as there isn't much practicality to anything lower.

I will try some different set points.

Question: In the Set Level option, is Fade Rate measured in seconds? Or, am I completely misunderstanding the term and use?

I don't know. I suspect seconds - minutes is too long, IMO. I don't use fade myself and I don't have any zigbee or zwave dimmers. EDIT: default Transition is 1 second for my Lutrons. Explicitly seconds.

Using another existing dimmer (GE Zwave) and lights (Bar), I set up a rule to turn on and set level using Simple Rules and the Fade Rate command. The bulbs turn on at the desired levels ( tried 20, 30, and 40%) but the rate at which they moved stayed the same -- about 2 seconds. Various Fade Rates did not impact anything, except how soon you could toggle off the lights. It appears a timer equal to your Fade Rate time delay must elapse before another command can be sent.

Fade rate doesn't do anything of value.

I also checked an older working Simple rule that turns on the kitchen sink light each morning with a Set Level command. That Rule did not have an option for a Fade Rate. Simple Rule revision 1.1 vs 1.2

It could also be a driver thing. Try the generic zigbee dimmer and see if anything improves. Or maybe a firmware thing. I've read that GE doesn't release their firmware or acknowledge bugs. My only GE switch is in a box in a closet.

I am using the generic driver. If I switch to the GE driver, the switch doesn't seem to behave correctly. Like it turns on , but not off.

Fade: This is not a device driver setting. It's Simple Automation. Although some drivers do have a similar thing. If Hubitat has to 'simulate' a fade in/out then there could be enough zigbee traffic that it might overwhelm a less than perfect mesh - which was the original problem, right? Still speculation but if it's working now I'd leave alone - there is always something else to fix.

Actually, we ventured down a rabbit trail.
The original problem is with a Zigbee dimmer not responding to the Set Level Command. It does respond to an On/Off command.

The rabbit trail was me looking for some place to test the Fade Rate command. All I have to test that with is Zwave dimmer in another room.