GE Smart Fan Control Driver Questions

  • How do you set the the speeds for Low, Medium and High?

  • How do you remove Medium-Low and Medium-High so they don't show up as options in the internal Dashboard and Sharptools?

  • What does setting Fan Speed to Auto do?


You don't, they are fixed in the device and not changeable.

You can't. But they still map to a speed, thus work, so not a big deal.

With this device - nothing.

I believe this is only implemented on the Hampton Bay Fan Controller. It causes that controller to randomly adjust the fan speed. Sounds strange, but it is actually interesting. We don't use it typically, but it was fun to play with when we first installed the HBFC.

For reference, the 'Cycle Speeds' option in SharpTools loops through:
[off → low → medium-low → medium → high]

eg. it skips medium-high (which is only on Lutron Caseta fans as far as I'm aware)

Would it be helpful if there was an option to pick which fan speeds were shown in the picker (or cycled through)? It's on my list, but I've been hesitant that it would just complicate the tile configuration. :nerd_face:

I believe the call the feature "Breeze". Doesn't Hampton Bay have its own Zigbee driver?

Hubitat has a Fan Control Capability that various Fan Controller drivers implement. That is why they all have the same set of speed options, whether the controller supports them all or not. The extra speeds are typically mapped to adjacent speeds so they still work.

Device Selector


Driver Definition

capability "FanControl"


speed - ENUM ["low","medium-low","medium","medium-high","high","on","off","auto"]



fanspeed required (ENUM) - Fan speed to set

For some reason high speed is set on 75 not 100
Medium 50 and low 25.

Ge smart fan control driver
On GE/jasco z-wave fan controller.

I'm just put it on generic z-wave dimmer so i can set any percentage i want to as workaround.

Is this feature or bug?

The built in Device Type "GE Smart Fan Controller" doesn't have an option for setting the Fan Speed "dim levels". These are fixed at:

  • Low = 25%
  • Medium = 50%
  • High = 75%.

The GE Z-Wave 3-Speed Fan Controller will set the fan speed based on the following:

  • Low - 1 to 33
  • Medium - 34 to 66
  • High - 67 to 99

So the default rates of the build in driver works.

If you want to set custom "dim levels" you can use a user developed device driver like this one:

I use this one as the built-in driver doesn't behave well when setting the fan speed via Alexa.

Just note that even if you set custom levels, though, the physical device ignores. them. I was incorrect when I made that driver - it is hard coded to use 0/33/66 as the breakpoints no matter what you input.

AKA don't use the custom driver, it doesn't do what you think it does.,..

Hi @JasonJoel, can you explain what you mean by this.

The GE Z-Wave 3-Speed Fan Controller will set the fan speed based on the following "dim levels".

Physical Fan Speed:

  • Low - 1 to 33
  • Medium - 34 to 66
  • High - 67 to 99

I use your device driver because there's a bug with the built-in driver when using it with Alexa. When you tell Alexa to set the fan speed to High it sends a 100 to HE but the default device driver doesn't know how to handle that so it errors and Alexa comes back with "sorry Fan is not responding". This issue doesn't occur with your driver.

My driver is fine to use for that.

What I meant is that if in the driver you set the % for HIGH to say 50% - you will not get HIGH (you will get MEDIUM on the actual fan - regardless what the driver, hubitat, or Alexa say). Because 50% always = MEDIUM in the physical device itself.

Which can be a little confusing.

How you are using it should be fine.

I know this topic is a bit old, but I cannot find anyone who has managed to make a fan driver that google home actually recognizes as a fan. This found a topic in google home that indicated there is such a function. Google home bases this on the capabilities somehow. Has anyone had any success? These fan drivers all show up as lights. However, if I use a basic he has o switch, google home lets you make the device a fan, but the actual fan controller, nope, it’s only a light to google. Frustrating.

Rather than using the built in integration check out the Google Home Community app.

I found even the community drivers have the same exact issue. I commented out the “switch level” capability and then I could set the device type in google home. Otherwise, it’s seen only as a dimmable light. Very odd.

This isn't really a function of the fan driver, but the Google Home integration app.

The built-in Google Home integration reports anything with the "switchLevel" capability as the "light" device type. If a device only has the "switch" capability it gets reported as the "switch" device type, and Google lets users manually choose what type of device switches appear as. That functionality is limited to switches and outlets though, since those are the types of devices that will control some other device that the manufacturer couldn't possibly know about.

The Google Home Community app allows you to configure exactly which device type each device will be reported as, and so you can choose to have it report the device as a fan. You can also use the "Fan Level" trait, which can allow you to control the speed of the fan in terms of high/medium/low if you want.

Well @mbudnek, you have done your research! I have indeed read up a little bit on the google home functionality and was aware the device functionality’s were somehow controlled by Hubitat and not necessarily the driver. I am by no means a programmer and could never find a good solution to the issue. It does appear it needs to be resolved via Hubitat directly, but your community driver certainly fills that gap. I love how Hubitat is flexible enough to allow this, and I hope to see it continue that way.