I looked through previous posts and couldn't find anything.
My light switch that's been installed for 2-3 years all of a sudden the the switching action inverted.
now top is off and bottom is on. dimming up/down as well.
Don't know if someone inadvertently changed something through random on/offs or what.
didn't see any reverse option in HE, using generic dimmer Z- Wave driver.
any help is appreciated.
First, while I have other GE/Jasco switches and dimmers (26931, 26933, both using the excellent component drivers by @JasonJoel ), I don’t have your particular dimmer, but I might be able to point you in the right direction.
The dimmer has a parameter that, when set, does exactly the inversion you describe. It’s possible that a power glitch caused the dimmer to get confused, or it’s possible (unlikely) that an undocumented change in the driver caused a change in a recent firmware update. I looked through the most recent release note and hot fix comments for 2.2.3, didn’t see any changes mentioned for the generic driver.
Possible things to try:
(1) exclude, then reset to factory defaults, then include. This should put it back to out-of-box state. If you’ve got a C-7, you could do a replace include, which would put it back at the same DNI.
(2) try a user driver, perhaps one exposes this invert parameter, then switch back (or not) to the generic driver;
(3) use Mike Maxwell’s Basic Z-Wave Tool to change that parameter.
Hope this gets you going in the right direction.
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thank you! removed, excluded, installed, working normal again. did have weird power failure that screwed up my ATT router same day, didn't put 2 and 2 together...
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