GE/Jasco 45857 (ZB3001) GE Zigbee Dimmer - LED Indicator Programming

I have searched the forum for an answer to this and I can't find how to (via the HE interface) control the LED Indicators on all of my GE/Jasco 45857 In Wall Dimmer Switches.

With my GE/Jasco 45609 Z-Wave In Wall Switches I can change how the LED Indicator behaves and am hoping to be able to do the same with the 45857 Dimmer.

I have tried two Types of built in driver, the 'GE Zigbee Dimmer' and the 'Generic Zigbee Dimmer'. Neither has the function to control the LED Indicator that I can see.

  • endpointId: 01
  • application: 12
  • softwareBuild: 00000006
  • model: 45857
  • powerCluster: 0702
  • firmwareMT: 1124-0000-00000006
  • manufacturer: Jasco Products

Or does anyone know where I can get a Custom Device Driver for this switch that has this capability. I can't find that either.

Thank you.

Here is a screenshot of what I am seeing for options in my HE Interface.

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I don't believe there is a custom driver for this device that provides that functionality, and as you see the in -box driver does not do this either.

So either someone would need to make a custom driver, or Hubitat would need to add it to the in-box driver. Not sure how likely that is since I don't think GE publishes their zigbee cluster definitions. Just one of the joys of zigbee.


Here is a thread from back in 2018 where a developer who has since moved on to another system asked about adding this capability to the Z-wave switches. Hubitat said they would discuss it but apparently it never went anywhere, so I wouldn't hold your breath.

This is unfortunate. You would think companies would have this information available in order to facilitate more sales of their hardware.

If anyone out there has any ideas many of us would love this functionality.

In the meantime I can Manually turn OFF the LED Indicator by using the procedure below.

NOTE: Start with the Switch Turned OFF or this won't work
To turn LED OFF:
Tap top rocker (ON Switch) 3x quickly and then tap bottom rocker (OFF Switch) 1x
To restore LED:
Use the same series of button presses used to disable the LED to restore

Also the closest information I could find on nodes for this device can be seen here:

It doesn't appear to show that functionality.

Hope this helps.

zigbee2mqtt doesn't show that functionality either. It could be that the device simply doesn't support remote programming of the LED - don't know. I wonder what it does on SmartThings.