The getChildAndRouteInfo page isn't intended to be a complete picture of your Zigbee devices or routing information. There are times it can help troubleshooting but . . . If you do need a better picture, you can get an Xbee with software to create a map. There are links to what is needed if you search the communities for Xbee.
There isn't a comparable URL for Z-Wave. It is possible to add a Zwave stick to HE and get routing information for Z-wave devices.
If one of the outlets you are showing is from the hall with the GE switch then you should not be having problems with signal strength. "LQI: 247" is very good signal strength.
I would try changing zigbee channels and try to pairing the GE switch again.
Try chanel 15
Stay away from channel 25-26
I also had a iris outlet at one point but did not like. It eventually died.
No manual for the Hubitat zigbee tracing page that I am aware of.
Hubitat zigbee table explanation
Xbee3 do a more thorough job.
To the OP, do you have any Sylvania/Osram zigbee lights? They can be poor repeaters.
@NoWon - At one point I was able to pair the switch, while I could only turn it on and off remotely, it never reported its status back. It appeared in the routes table with an LQI: 0
Strangely, the missing switch has recently appeared , going from an LQI:0 to LQI:254. I think it connected after I restarted the hub. All seems well now.
Zigbee routing seems a bit bizarre. According to the routing table, the switch is connected directly to the hub as a Neighbor device and the contact sensor for a window right next to the hub is connected via the switch 20 ft away. The hub is in an office with four window contact sensors and a motion sensor, but none of them is connected directly to the hub as a child device.
I won't get a chance to experiment with Xbee until next spring, but it looks like it will be a key to understanding the network.
Thanks for all your help.
@jon1 - I do not have any zigbee lights in my system, but it will be something to keep in mind for the future.
Thanks for the comment.
Yes that sounds correct. The switch is a router device the contact sensor is an end device but end devices sometimes grab the first router device they see.
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