Garage heat freeze preventer - Not working as expected

So I built this a couple years ago so if the temp in my garage dropped below a certain point, it would turn the heat on for a bit. This rule used to work, but something changed. It turned the heat on this morning, but isn't turning it back off.

I see the required expression false at the top, and assuming thats why. But not sure what changed because it used to turn it back off okay.

I don't see anything obvious, but probably just need to turn on logging and watch it.

If it has been working and it now doesn't, then probably an issue with a device. Is that a real thermostat or a virtual that's turning something else on or off?

In almost every case for me, when I see something where it worked and then didn't, it wasn't because of the rule, it was because something wasn't responding.

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It.thinks your therm mode is not off

Post that device or check if it is working.

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Did you do a system restart when the heat was already on. The rule can't run because the required condition is false. I have a similar rule for a bird bath heater.

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I'm messing with it this morning. It's not as cold, so I had to bump my temps up a bit to test.

It's a real thermostat, but cloud connnected (honeywell tcc API).

Sometimes it's slow to respond, so that's possible it got out of sync with the rule.

That's possible too at some point. Rebooting the hub while the heat was already on. I guess the fix is how you have evaluate required expression on startup?

Have you considered removing the required expression. If the rule runs and turns on if already on "no harm no foul."

I'm trying to remember why we put that in there originally. I was thinking for some reason it was dropping my set point down low while I was in the garage and working.

But I just figured it out. There's something wonky with the thermostat and the api. It just tried to turn it on, but actually didn't change. I checked the honeywell app on my phone, and website on the computer and it's giving me a warning like I had too many incorrect logins.

My password and API settings are correct, but once I log into the app, then the hubitat integration works.

Basically control from hubitat with that driver is un-reliable it seems. Rarely I control the thermostat from hubitat. I just have it connected for a rule like this as a failsafe. Rarely does it ever get cold enough, long enough to even kick on. Maybe once a year.

Just looked in the thread for the honeywell driver. Several folks having similar issues. Appears Honeywell has limited how many times an hour we can hit the API without getting locked out. :frowning_face:

You could add a loop after you setup the thermostat to read back the settings and see if it actually changed. You can send the setup again and after a couple tries If still not working send yourself a notice.

Not sure if available on your thermostat but on my Ecobee it has a status parameter that says if it is online or not. I have a separate rule that monitors that and if it goes offline for over 10 minutes it will send me an alert. That won't work either if the internet is down, but that is the problem with cloud based devices.

I had something similar with the Honeywell UK version which uses a different server. I ended up locked out online, on the app and in the Hubitat integration. I would get the password reset online and get locked out again. I did get it sorted in the end and it now seems to be working normally everywhere I use it (Honeywell HomeTCC app, Hubitat and Homebridge integration) with just an occasional error in the Hubitat logs. I think my app polls and checks authentication every 5 minutes.

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I gave up my Wifi Honeywell thermostats a few years ago due to this, when I found out about the API limiting that went into effect. Before that started a couple years ago, the updates were very quick. After the limiting started, they were just often out of sync with the cloud, and they would take like five minutes to update a change in the cloud from the thermostat.

I replaced mine with Honeywell T6 Pro Zwave. I can't recommend those though, as they do a horrible job at regulating temperature. They are now just Zwave input panels for my virtual thermostats that actually run my heat from Hubitat, though I can switch back to them if my hub goes down for any reason.

That's a bummer. I just ordered a zwave radio thermostat. Supposedly the heat setpoint goes as low as 35. I hate some have a minimum setpoint of like 50. No need to keep an unoccupied garage that warm. It typically stays above freezing on it's own. The Honeywell was 40.

Not to say they can't work OK. Mine were just swinging like several degrees around setpoint, and that was the only issue. There are settings on the T6 for cycles per hour, but I could never get them dialed in with any setting. It just always felt a bit cold or hot as they would swing around setpoint so much, in my zones in my house. So it could just be a my house thing.

I was able to get that down to a .5 degree swing by writing my own thermostat driver that anticipates when the heat needs to be on or off without swinging under or over setpoint. If nothing else, it was a fun project to write the driver and controller. The ZWave functions of the T6 thermostats are rock solid and they never disconnect or miss a command.

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