Garage door

If you add a refresh rule does it show the change? I've had this in place for a long time so I don't know if this is what is keeping mine working reliably or not. I suspect there is probably an issue with the driver but this has kept it working for me.

without a secondary sensor how would you even add a refresh rule, it wouldnt work when you manually open the door..

anyway ya, when i manually refreshed it , the state immediately changed to open.

You can do it with just one. Delay it by however long it typically takes it to open. I just threw in the second sensor because it was there and my might as well use it. When I get some time I'll look into writing a driver for this one that does this automatically.

No you can't you muaunderstand . The sensor is built into the garage opener not a separate device aso it does not good to do a refresh when you have no way.of knowing the door has opened.

Mine always triggered an event on the first but the second wouldn't show without the refresh which is why I added it. Sounds like yours isn't getting any events though in which a refresh wouldn't have an event to trigger off of. You sure you paired the tilt sensor at the same time you joined the garage door controller? I had to join the garage and the quickly do something on the little black tilt sensor right after or it wouldn't work right.

On a side note I'm working on a driver for the GDZ000-x series series to see if there's any room for improvement.

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Ya after i rebooted bit it is working fine. Before would only show close events no opens.

If your having to reboot it then it's not happy about something

@lewis.heidrick Did you ever make any progress on that custom driver for the GDZ000-x series garage door opener?

I put refreshes into the rule and it's worked fine since so I didn't bother.

I might pick it back up if there's enough interest.

I just looked back at the driver and it's a lot further along than I remember. I'll pick it back up and see if I can get a working version soon. It actually looks like it's pretty much done but I need to do some testing to see what issues remain.

Well just noticed another development. Apparently it's the driver I'm currently using and have been for a long time...

Let me do a little cleanup and I'll send you a pre-release version. The full release version will include HPM integration, but at least you can see if this is going to work for you.

Sent you a message with the driver. Let me know if you have any issues.

Added driver to HPM.