With the recent issues MyQ has caused, I decided to eliminate it from my system and hard wire it in. I have the Konnected Alarm Panel Pro (ESP32) with a double relay connected to out 2. I set out 2 up as a momentary switch to replicate a button push on the garage control panel and the door is monitored by a Eco Link tilt sensor. Now here lies my issue, the tile in Hubitat. For the life of me I'm unable to make a single tile that monitors the Eco link for open and close and operates as a button to activate the momentary relay. A push in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
You trying to use the relay directly, or via an app? From what I tried recently, if there wasn't an app to tie the door relay to the tilt sensor the garage tile didn't work.
I used Kahn's Garage Door app, but there are others.
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That's perfect! Thank You!