Free Meteored Weather Widget = Cool Dashboard Tile

And now its back!

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Very nice, thanks for sharing. :+1:t2:

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Unfortunately for my zip code in far SW Missouri the high/low is off by a few degrees.

soooo.....I tried this. (new to Hubitat, so bear with me). When I'm in the device, the image I see is the HTML code. Nothing else. I copied the IFrame driver code and entered that just fine. Created the HTML file (with a little help from a Google search), copied and pasted from the above post, then from Uploaded that to Hubitat, then pointed the device to it. And I get an image...of the HTML document.

I haven't done any coding since college (which was a long time ago), so I'm sure I've done something wrong. Any thoughts?

This is confusing to me. If you go to the first post in this thread; and read those instructions carefully, you will be guided through the entire process. I'm thinking one of two things has happened:

  1. You may be using a different weather widget. I know there are many. I do seem to remember one or two that required you to create an html file and upload it to hubitat. The example in this post does not require such actions. You simply create it on the website; and get an image link.

  2. Maybe you were confused when it came to the step of selecting a "script" or an "image" to get the code to insert into the hubitat tile image link. You want the image, and not the script.

hello, how you made the radar one?

You can use Webcore...