For sale - Zen thermostat

I listed a new Zen zigbee thermostat on eBay. I'd like to get $45+shipping for it.

Unlike the other things I've listed on there (new Schlage locks, used Securifi Peanuts), the Zen thermostat works with Hubitat without issue.

If you would like it, PM me. I can remove that listing, re-list it with a mutually acceptable buy-it-now price, and let you know.

You listed locks?? What the heck. Where was I?

They're Schlage z-wave - you don't want to use them with Hubitat. So I didn't put them up over here.

Too many people report issues with them and Hubitat. I don't want to put another Hubitat user in a position where they feel like cursing me :rofl:

I have one. It's been stable since install. Roughly two years now. But the z-wave is strong within.

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Both of mine have been ok too. But they just took it off the compatible devices list.

REALLY!? :open_mouth:


Wow. I missed that. Well I guess I'm thankful that it's continued to work.

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