I have 11 Iris V2 motion sensors I am selling for $8 a piece
and I have 14 V1 Iris contact sensors selling for $8 a piece would like to keep them as total sets but are willing to sell them in sets of 3 total for all motion sensors would be $88 and I would take $8 off if buying them all and the total for all the contact sensors would be $112 and would take off $12 if buying all of them.
Shipping shouldn't be that bad would be shipping for GA USA can't ship internationally.
I saw this seconds after you posted and was so tempted to buy the motion sensors. But I've got 8 Iris V2 spares at the moment, and the WAF on spare hardware is getting low.
Lol. I have a cache of 4x V2 motion sensors, 8x V2 contact sensors, 4x zwave thermostats, 8x V2 buttons, and 3x V2 outlets. I should have gotten way more leak sensors when I had the chance at <$10/ea.