Flip a Vswitch if connected to a particular BT

Nope :wink: ! Even the URL is encrypted when using https.

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Here's what I do....

Traccar Server running on EC2 Instance.
GPS units in vehicles and wired on bike

Traccar events are forwarded to my event processor which filters based on Vehicle and event type. If it's an Enter/Exit that event is then pushed to my automation system to trigger an event to either open or close whichever door I've designated for that vehicle.

My GPS units update at 5 second intervals when "on" and send check-ins every 10 minutes when "off".

This is NOT a cheap or free solution but it's a highly reliable one that I've used with many automation systems and it does work with Hubitat as well using the Maker API cloud end-points.

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I have too many bikes to wire up a unit to each of them :stuck_out_tongue: trust me, vut my helmet always has a BT reciver on it, and its simple as MakerAPI (thank you guys!) and Tasker


(ignore that they both say East Garage, I was testing something out, the Moto one will soon be just set to West Garage)