Hmmm... interesting!
Thanks for the update.
From what I was reading on their forums, it SOUNDED like they did, but there was no definitive answer, just a mention of their algorithm.
I use the @yracine66 device manager and app, but i then have my own webcore routines to control my vents. 23 vents total, 3 pucks, 9 zones, all working well. Took some time to implement, but everyroom/zone running on a virtual thermostat and temperature setting based upon occupancy, time of day, etc. (whatever you need). For the pressure sensors on the vents, they are there, but not used, just reporting and when monitoring them, they are not consistent from vent to vent. Flair "algorithm" instead never lets you close more than 1/3 of the vents (if using the flair app). But using the device manger above and webcore (or rule machine of choice), you have total control. Bypass dampers to help with back pressure concerns. Added fresh air intake and damper for those nice days. Happy so far.
If I want to use sharp tools how would I set multiple zoning up with an ecobee thermostat?
Can you share any pictures of how you assembled and packaged everything up with the Zen53?
Unfortunately no. I did not take any pictures at the modification time. Right now everything is
installed and will be very hard to take apart. However the rework was near straight forward.
I unsoldered few wires from the original control board and a motor. These 4 wires are actually
from limit sensors and in my setup are not used because it was not difficult to calibrate ZEN53.
Mechanically I removed some plastic from batter compartment because "as is" ZEN53 did not
fit. I am using 12V-to-5V downconverter to power on ZEN53. And because motor is about 1.5V
it is a must to use 10-15 ohm 5W resistor serially with motor assuming ZEN53 powered from 5V
DC power supply.
Are you powering the Zen53 with the built-in batteries of the Flair vent or do you have a separate power supply?
No batteries. I have nearby 12V power supply. For the ZEN53 I am using 12V-to-5V
downconverter. 5V is a minimal required voltage for the ZEN53. Flair motor is only about 2V.
This way serial resistor is about 10-15 ohm, 5W. This resistor is absolutely MUST be used.
Otherwise motor will not survive.
Almost a year later.
Still working as you installed it... and you're happy with it?
Yes, 100% local control, near perfect temp balance. So far so good.
how would I setup it now that code gone. the code was for zoning hvac.
Have you tried contacting @yracine66?
Is there any other way to set up zoning using hubitat in Keene home vent in ecobee thermostat. I thought I had it set up but the gentleman that wrote the software disappeared and I can no longer reach him. I am no good at programming or using webcore. I tried another zoning program from Pocket Manager in hubitat but it requires me to know pressure in a whole bunch of other stuff. Basically what I'm looking for is if living room is 72 and thermostat is set 69 then cool the living room down using a temperature sensor and if bedroom is 75 but living room is 69 continue cooling the bedroom to 69°and close living room vents once they reach desired temperature. Do this for every room that is set up if desired temperature is not 69 then open the vents if it is 69 then close the vents. I live in a two-story condo and it sucks because I cannot control the air. I would use flare home vents but the problem is I can't find them at a decent price is anybody here is willing to send me one and a puck or sell me one cheap with a puck please hit me up send me a message. I would like to spend $50 for a puck in a flare vent. Is there any way to add flare events to hubitat? I know I asked this question a long time ago but didn't really get a response I've gone with Keen home events because they're cheap on the second hand market but a lot of people do not remove the batteries when they put them up for storage. I currently have one that is powered by an AC adapter but it does not like to stay connected to hubitat so my master bedroom works when it wants to. On my second floor is where it's located and I believe the events use zigbee so would I need a zigbee repeater to keep it connected?
ecobee Suite Smart Vents` automates one or more vents to reach/maintain a target temperature that you specify or from a specified thermostat. It uses one or more temperature devices, and opens/closes vents based upon current temperature, target temperature and thermostat operating state. this what I'm look to do with the.
name: "Ecobee Smart Vent Controller",
namespace: "yourNamespace",
author: "yourName",
description: "Control Ecobee Smart Vents based on temperature readings for multiple rooms.",
category: "Convenience",
iconUrl: "",
iconX2Url: ""
preferences {
(1..20).each { roomNum ->
section("Room ${roomNum} Setup:") {
input "room${roomNum}Sensor", "capability.temperatureMeasurement", title: "Room ${roomNum} Temperature Sensor", required: false
input "room${roomNum}Vents", "capability.switch", title: "Room ${roomNum} Ecobee Smart Vents", multiple: true, required: false
input "room${roomNum}TargetTemp", "number", title: "Room ${roomNum} Target Temperature (°F)", required: false
def installed() {
subscribeToTemperatureSensors() "Ecobee Smart Vent Controller installed"
def updated() {
subscribeToTemperatureSensors() "Ecobee Smart Vent Controller updated"
def subscribeToTemperatureSensors() {
(1..20).each { roomNum ->
def sensor = settings["room${roomNum}Sensor"]
if (sensor) {
subscribe(sensor, "temperature", "room${roomNum}TemperatureHandler")
(1..20).each { roomNum ->
// Dynamic method generation for room temperature handlers
def methodName = "room${roomNum}TemperatureHandler"
this."$methodName" = { evt ->
handleRoomTemperature(evt, roomNum)
def handleRoomTemperature(evt, roomNum) {
def currentTemp = evt.doubleValue
def targetTemp = settings["room${roomNum}TargetTemp"] "Room ${roomNum}: Current temperature is ${currentTemp}°F, Target temperature is ${targetTemp}°F"
if (currentTemp < targetTemp) {
} else {
def openRoomVents(roomNum) {
def vents = settings["room${roomNum}Vents"]
if (vents) {
vents.each { vent ->
if (vent.currentSwitch == "off") {
vent.on() "${vent.displayName} opened in Room ${roomNum}"
def closeRoomVents(roomNum) {
def vents = settings["room${roomNum}Vents"]
if (vents) {
vents.each { vent ->
if (vent.currentSwitch == "on") { "${vent.displayName} closed in Room ${roomNum}"
that is code I have so far using
rbaldwi3/HVAC: Zoning and Ventilation Control (
code is to hard to setup.