First Alert Smoke/CO Detector- Any way to change wake interval?

Does any one know a way to change the wake interval from 4200 seconds (70Min) to something longer? I am using the generic Z-Wave Plus Smoke and CO Detector device handler.

It just seems unnecessary to poll the device every 70min just for it to detect battery level. That is the only event I see and it would save battery power to do it just once or twice per day. Unless there is another reason to do it more often that I am unaware of.

I think that's just what we're stuck with for those devices:

(EDIT: oops, linked to closed beta forum, so lots of people probably can't see that post; but--nothing secret--the gist is that they don't respond to requests to set the wakeup interval and do something like 1 hour by default)

But in good news, I think my batteries have still lasted (at least) a year despite this, and that's about as long as I'm willing to keep them in a smoke detector, anyway. :slight_smile:

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interesting that when I click on your link it shows the "Oops! That page doesnt exist or is private" . Even when I type the keywords in your link in the search engine manually it does not show that forum posting. I assume the basic gist is that changing it to anything longer is a no-go which is enough for me but just thought that was strange...

I think that thread is in a category for beta testers only.

I agree it would be nice if that setting were configurable. But I also haven’t had any issues with battery life for my first Alert ZCOMBOs.

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Looks like mine reports only every 7 days, this is in the events of the device page. Mine is also set to 4200. The 4th and 5th are close because I tested it this evening.

From what I understand from a different thread, these devices will respond to the wakeup interval, (in the latest release), but they have to be excluded, and included again.
I think that was from @bcopeland

Mine as well. I got 2 years out of the lithium batteries, which I am very happy with. I’ll only have to change them 2 more times before they need replaced.