Zigbee Firmware update freezes at 80% and keeps retrying and refailing

see attachements thanks

how do i stop it from contiunually trying.. reboot?

I had a switch doing that a while back. I rebooted the hub and reset the device then tried again and it worked.

by reset you mean ran confiugre.. or removed and readded device?

Removed, device reset, readd.

what a pain.. will try unplugging first

I created a virtual and swapped the devices out so I didn't have to modify all my rules.

its zigbee light hosed.. would not reset.. removed readded it and now the exact same driver no longer works generates errors

Try reapplying firmware.

tried still failed. replacing wiht new one in basement..

swapped .. took old inside to play with.. firmware update still failing with various drivers..

at least light still works with adavanced rgb zigbee but no longer with generic rgb zigbee weird.. oh well into basement to replace the one in my spare box..

serves me right for trying to update the firmware..

weird it acts like firmware update completes as light resets to default color after but doesnt show update and starts over.

Same here:

Firmware update for [name:Garden Lights, manufacturer:OSRAM, imageFileName:110C-0005-01020510, fileVersion:01020510] is 80% complete.


  • endpointId: 03
  • model: LIGHTIFY Gardenspot RGB
  • application: 01
  • firmwareMT: 110C-0005-01020492
  • softwareBuild: 01020492
  • manufacturer: OSRAM
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