Find all pistons with messed up devices

Well was able to duplicate by creating a piston by duplicating another, and see the issue (the child app status created doesn’t reflect the true devices used in the piston) - I think I see a way to catch this but probably not today.


@tim.ocallag - Had a couple of minutes this morning, v0.0.2 catches the other pattern I was seeing.

@moderators - can split this conversation into a new thread starting at about webCoRE for Hubitat Updates - #2098 into a separate thread so we’re not hijacking the original one

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Thanks for the new code!! However i got

Can you send me a screen shot of the status page (cog wheel from the apps tab) for the piston that should have been found? Thanks.

Edit: Never mind, I found the third pattern. If you delete a device that is known to be in use, it removes it from the piston’s device list, but doesn’t record the error - going to have to study this one a little.


Let’s try this again. Can’t give you as much information on the third pattern, but v0.0.3 might cover you.

I’ve just tried it. There are a lot of unknown devices, the pistons are fine, I suspect they maybe virtual devices?

D*(&(& I’ll look for another way to pull those…..

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Hi, I tried v3 and got several ...I checked and didn't find anything wrong with the first several.
Sorry for all the hassles... I really think this will be invaluable to find problem pistons and appreciate what you are doing !

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Not a hassle, actually has been an interesing puzzle to piece together. Just need to nail down this last piece without creating so many false positives.


Might have it this time. v0.0.5

I get this now
I’ve not checked everything, but these results look reasonable, theyre all old pistons paused before I moved from ST to HE.
A point of interest is the “light walk old” shows a null device. This piston actually has 4 devices, but theyre all stored in device variables.


I got the following - which is CORRECT !!

But still misses

I've been running this app and find it very useful.
I only have one unknown device but you will see in the screen shot the only thing in this piston is the virtual device 'Location mode'. Is this known problem and can it be easily fixed?

Still working on identifying all of the virtual devices, but could add that hash manually until I find the key to them.

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Got it. Thanks much.
Added; parDevList2.add('4bb547f511e1fd753f8db83470827793')//Location mode

fixed the problem

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I added it to the GitHub version also.

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This is a great tool to have, I'm always tinkering with pistons!
Installed it and got an error when adding it to the apps drawer.
Looks like it executes when your adding it? :slight_smile:
That piston has no errors(missing devices) and hasn't been touched in a while.

Errors Found

Piston Blink Schedule contains unknown device ':f86671ae3f9fe041db5dfd367b0ef6b6:'

Probably a Virtual webCoRE device, happen to know which one? Does execute right away, I probably should change that as it is a bit disconcerting if you don’t expect it.

Nothing much, maybe $locationMode?

Since I still haven't found a way to predict the virtual devices, I added the ability to store/remove hashes that you want to exclude from the list.


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