[FINAL RELEASE] Tuya Zigbee mmWave Sensors (code moved from the Tuya 4 In 1 driver)

This is the link to the new non-spammy 24Ghz mmWave radar :

AliExpress (Wenzhi store)

Make sure you are selecting the 'NEW update' model :

The new device TS0601 _TZE204_ya4ft0w4 is supported starting from version 3.3.1 2024-09-28 , many thanks to Rafael Batista for the tests!

There is a new preference 'Distance Reports' (for this model only!), 'disabled' means that the device will not send the distance reports over the air :

The same device is also sold on AE from this seller, but I will recommend purchasing from WENZHI store, as they were the ones who listened to our complains and reached to the actual developer/manufacturer to make the neccesery changes in the firmware.