When I first got In to home automation via smartthings I purchased a range of inline fibaro switches and relays.
At the time I didn’t know that the relays were different to the switches. However they are both up and running via smart things. I have around 15 of these.
However, I’m not sure what I have where. In smart things it was a bit of trial and error but I’ve got a mix of different device handlers.
To make things a bit more complicated I’ve got some dual switches (or relays!?) that are controlling single switches.
So, my question is; is there a way from a device identifier I can query to figure out what I have where ie is it a switch or a relay and is it the single or double (obviously where it’s controlling two sources it’s a double but I know I have at least a couple of double switches controlling single lights).
I see that there is now a ported dual switch fibaro device handler but not a relay device handler and no single fibaro relay or switch device handlers so I’m trying to figure out what I can / can’t port to hubitat at the moment.
Thanks for your help !!