Fibaro Smart Implant (Analog Voltage shows 0 always in Hubitat/Device, even though it shows the right voltage in the log)

Analog inputs are working, as I can see the voltage in the Hubitat log for the Smart Implant changing as I move my water pressure meter around, and it's close to my voltmeter reading.

Problem is the Voltage Attribute on the Fibaro Smart Implant Analog Input ALWAYS reads "0". (Both for analog Input 1 and 2. Parent has no voltage attribute, so I'm reading from the child.)

So when I read the voltage into an APP, it is always shows "0" in Devices, and the Voltage Attribute always reads 0. Obviously I want to read the voltage into a Decimal in a Hubitat App and the Dashboard.

Parameters are set correctly: * Note I have my own external pull-up resistor.

Input 1 - operating mode
[20] This parameter allows to choose mode of 1st input (IN1). Change it depending on connected device.
Analog input without internal pull-up (Sensor Multilevel)

Input 2 - operating mode
[21] This parameter allows to choose mode of 2nd input (IN2). Change it depending on connected device.
Analog input without internal pull-up (Sensor Multilevel)

I'm using the Cristi999 driver
which was updated last month. (wonderful work, thanks)
But I had same problem with the original driver as well.


dev:262024-06-19 09:19:54.514 AMdebug{Sensor @ endpoint 4 has value 1.84 - ep=4 null SensorMultilevelReport(precision:2, scale:0, sensorType:15, sensorValue:[0, 184], size:2, scaledSensorValue:1.84) }

dev:262024-06-19 09:19:24.521 AMdebug{Sensor @ endpoint 4 has value 3.19 - ep=4 null SensorMultilevelReport(precision:2, scale:0, sensorType:15, sensorValue:[1, 63], size:2, scaledSensorValue:3.19) }

dev:262024-06-19 09:18:54.805 AMdebug{Sensor @ endpoint 4 has value 2.50 - ep=4 null SensorMultilevelReport(precision:2, scale:0, sensorType:15, sensorValue:[0, 250], size:2, scaledSensorValue:2.50) }


Welcome to Hubitat!

I'd recommend you post your question in the existing thread for the custom driver that you're using. This will ensure that the developer of the driver sees your question, as they will probably be the best person to assist.

That sounds right. Are you moving it, or do you want me to figure out how to move it? Prefer you move it just because I'd have to figure out how, and I have enough puzzles to solve.

renamed to be more specific

I do not have the privileges to move a post. Sorry.

I moved it and thanks for your suggestion.

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From the picture, the driver for the child devices is incorrect (it should be "Fibaro FGBS-222 Child Analog Input" instead of Generic, similar for other child devices). Did you install it according to the instructions?

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Thanks for responding. I will try to find and follow the instructions. I think I just copied all the drivers.

I found instructions...

I don't understand what I'm doing wrong.

Install the 6 files as 6 drivers. Use the main driver file " implant" for the device "type" of the device. This main driver will take care of using the other drivers as required (it will create child devices automatically).

I copy the 6 files and saved 6 drivers.
I updated the device type for the main file.
I cannot update the device "type" for the manually.

I enable 'reinstall' and save preferences, and click the Reinstall button. It does stuff, I can see in the log.

Maybe you could show me what the children are supposed to look like on the screen.

I could try return to factory settings I tried a bunch of different drivers. Maybe I messed something up. I did try that once yesterday and got to the same point today.

Or maybe I have the wrong instructions. bumbling around on the internet.

I was able to modify your main driver to get the voltage from the log into a state variable type number/attribute which shows up on the screen as non-zero, but still I can't seem to get the state variable back into RM or the Dashboard. Probably not the way to go anyway.

Brand new to home automate as of a few weeks ago.

Really appreciate the help.

Finally got it
I got another implant and plugged it into the wiring harness and included it, switched drivers, saved device. Changed parameters Reinstall enabled and Analog Inputs and saved parameters and configured and refreshed. Moved the probe to change the voltage enough to report and refresh and I could see a voltage in Current State. Added the Device for the child Analog Input to the dashboard. And now I can see the voltage as an attribute. And I can see it in RM.

Now I think I will take the first implant completely out of habitat’s memory and revert the device to factory settings.

Thanks for all the folks contributing. I read a lot, and I could not of done this without you.

The application is cool. I got an acre of land and automating a small farm. Pumps, water supplies, soil temp and moisture, maybe link to some urls for the upcoming weather to save on watering, ….

Fun stuff - enjoying tech again - it’s been a while


If anyone else ever reads this, the thread for my driver and installation instructions are here (as mentionned by @ogiewon). Instructions on Github might be outdated...

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