Fibaro RGBW - switchColorV3

Separate child for each colour as far as I’m concerned :slight_smile:
Whatever is easiest for you Mike
Just makes it real easy to write an app for

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@mike.maxwell I'm the same I use white channel for normal light then RGB for mood. I have mixed the 2 but I don't see much advantage in it. This is for 2 of my devices.

my 3rd one though is just 2 white strips over the 2 channels so I need to be able to set them at different values per channel. On the ST driver there was a capability of set level for white, red, green and blue so i used this for this device.

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This would be really helpful if the driver had this ability
(either with or without a separate white child)


Hate to jump on the band wagon but does anyone have a working driver for the RGBW module yet?

I do, but it's not done yet...
I just have to create the child device for the white channel...


If you need a guinea pig :grinning:

One more over here waiting for it :slight_smile:

any update @mike.maxwell? Was hoping it made the last release then no more WC and no more ST :smile:

Beating it into submission, should make 2.0.2 unless something comes up...



I see the Fibaro RGBW did not make it into the initial 2.0.2 release.

I'm not trying to be sarcastic but should I just give up and put my Fibaro-441 on eBay? its Christmas time I'm sure I could sell it quickly.


you know I can't tell you what to do with your kit...

The current plan is to release it in the first 2.0.3 beta build, the reason that it didn't make 2.0.2 was due to not being able to completely split off the white channel into a separate child dimmer.
Currently setLevel and switch commands in the parent RGB device also controls the overall composite dimmer device, not what I was hoping for...
I also didn't get the built in effects implemented.

Other than that, it's perfect...


Thank you for your response. I will admit I was somewhat over dramatic :slight_smile:

I understand you cannot release a driver that doesn't have full functionality, however it would be great to see & test a beta with what exists, even w/o white and built in effects.


Hopefully the built in effects make it into the final version. They're rather unique.


Like listening to Sting and his buddies while using the 'Police effect' :rofl:


Yeah that one's hilarious. I can't think of a better burglar alarm though.


its been two years and still not avial?

what's still not available...

Hi.... Is there a driver for the fibaroRGBW with separate childs for each color ( red gren blue white)
I have bulit a speakerswitch with 2 fibaro RGBWs and Need them separate to operate relays. /Mattias

No. The current built in driver can do RGBW or RGB with a separated W dimmer child. For me that works well for my RGB strips with white channel. I do also have a book shelf that has 2 white channels so it would be useful to have it but I just get around it by using the white and setting the RGB to red. That allows me to control both strips but obviously wouldn't work if you have more than 2.

Nice Layout :slight_smile: