Fibaro motion sensor ZW5 illuminance reports

The illuminance values reported on the device pages seem absurd, out of range, and not tracking that well with room brightness.

And I'm not sure I understand the configuration parameters referring to illuminance.

Does seem possible that those two things might be, I dunno, related somehow? :slight_smile:

The values I'm seeing on the device page for illuminance are in the 4-18 range. Including on days when the sun is coming in the windows.

So, with the sensor configured with "light reporting threshold" at the default 200 lux, that should mean it sends an illuminance report when the illumination changes by 200 lux or more, right?

And with "light reporting interval" at the default "none", that should mean it never sends an illuminance report, right?

But I'm seeing illuminance values in the device page, and they change. My hypothesis is that, when the device sends a report, it always includes the illuminance value; the two parameters control when it will send an illuminance report in the absence of other reporting. I can't confirm that in the manuals for the thing I've read, though; or contradict it either. Similarly I see temperatures being reported in the device page.

If the motion report doesn't include an illuminance level, I'm concerned about using illuminance level as a control (suppress motion turn-on if the room is already bright), since the information might be out-of-date, say from when the big lights were turned on.

Anybody know what that device actually reports and when it reports it? Or just how to use it usefully for "turn on lights when something moves unless it's already bright"?

I've have 2 of these and had no issues with the illuminance.
They only ever update on there own not with motion and have found them to be more realistic than some of my other devices.

It sounds like the configuration isn't working correctly.
Maybe try excluding it and rejoining?

I did have an issue were the sensitivity of the acceleration would never change until one day it did without me doing anything.

Checking through the events list, they haven't reported illuminance in the last two days. There's a non-zero value on the device page, don't know what if anything that means. This, even after I set a 15-minute illuminance reporting time. But the change threshold is still at the default 200 lux; maybe that's blocking it? But this went from afternoon sunlight to night, should have changed more than that!

What is the "pending events" count that the event log and the device page show?

That would be any changes to the configuration.
The device only wakes up every 12 hours to accept any changes. You can manually do it with the button inside the device.

The devices should update at the set interval regardless of the Lux threshold.

I'd be surprised if the light indoors would every reach 200 Lux unless it was sitting in direct sunlight. Try using a flashlight up close to it to see if a change is triggered.

The slow config update always messes me up, darn it. Luckily I put in some more aggressive parameters last night, and it's been reporting frequent illuminance values today. The dining room got up to 157 at 11:54:26 this morning, before it started dropping again. (As an engineer it seems absurd that the devices clearly have exchanged messages but the config update hasn't been loaded. Waiting until a regular message to do it, fine, but just ignoring it then? Not good! It's such a pain to get these aimed at all accurately I don't really want to open them and push buttons if I don't have ti.)

The default change level is 200 lux, sounds like they don't really expect that to be relevant very often!

(I don't think in lux naturally; my old light meters could read that with a conversion scale but it was never what I needed, and I sold them all on to people still doing film once I got well-established in digital photography. Didn't anticipate this need coming on!)