Fibaro FGBS-001

Correct sorry should have been more clear, if you want it as a momentary device this works fine. That uses a different command set and that bit isn't broken. It's if you don't want a momentary contact for Windows and doors like me that it has a issue.

well it doesnt work as momentary device either, even though it logs the command to the log...

do you know if the "Smart Implant" works? (FGBS-222) it is mentioned directly in the firmware updates, but i dont want to go out and replace all my universal sensors just to find out that the smart implant doesnt work either...

? i have mine working like that. I actually have worked out a "fix" just testing it now, then just got to get the team to implement it/ improve it.

Care to share? I would Really like it to be working

I can share the fix, but not the code as most of it is not mine to share. The fix is to use the scenes for everything. scene 10 & 20 is for open to close and 11 & 21 is for closed to open. So i have moved the events to some logic within a switch block for the scenes. Motion/ switch and contacts work now but i must have messed up the buttons options, which i need to work out. That's fine for me as i only use it as motion and contacts, but i still planning to that too. I have passed it on but its up to the team for if it's good enough as i'm just a logic guy.

Hi . I have a smart implant and it works good!

with C7 latest fw but it doesn't fire on input 100% bulletproof

how do i use scenes ?

i am primarily using WebCore, but i need more elaboration on what scenes are in the device itself and how to use them...

if its a solution that works, then i am happy...

It's in the driver so you would need to alter the driver code to do it. @cjcharles is now using HE and he was the original person who wrote the driver that I ported. It needed some work again which is why I got the HE staff to do one. He might be able to fix it though.

Are the FGBS-001 still not working with C7? i just got one. So have i got to use my old c4 just mirror it to my C7 lol.

@bcopeland @mike.maxwell any update on this? c7 doesn't report contact changes or seem to auto update temps on hub.

It's not possible to fix parts of it. Its to do with the z-wave chip firmware it does not support some old z-wave implementation of the standard. The button events work though as that uses a different method which must have been to a better standard. The temperature values only update on a manual refresh, I get over this by calling that every 5 mins or so. Not ideal but it works well.

For the inputs you need to select momentary to get the built in driver to use that method, I have asked the guys if they would just put everything in that method but I haven't had a response. :man_shrugging: I can only assume they don't want to have 2 drivers? I have actually found that they work better using the scene event (button), the only disadvantage to it is that its a "event" not a state. So if you down powered the hub did the event (in my case opened the window) you would have to do the event again to get it in sync. Realistically that doesn't happen and it's not a issue to open/ close the window/ door to get it back.

Oh ok that's a pain. I thought the new zwave stuff was fully backwards compatible!
So should my c4 work with the UBS still or is that why that started playing up because of the latest updates. i was thinking it was just signal/distance issue but maybe it wasn't.

So did we all and I'm sure the HE staff!

I believe it should, what's happening?

I never used to have a issue with them when they were on my C4. I used to have all my z-wave and z-wave plus devices on the C4. When the C7 came out i got two with the intention of having a "naughty and nice hub". I split my z-wave devices (the UBS's and turns out also fibaro RGBW controller) and zigbee LL lamps to one hub (naughty). Then all my zigbee 1.2 /3.0 and z-wave plus devices to the other hub. That's sped up my z-wave plus devices but i found that the UBS's on the C7 seem to lose there routing after 2 weeks without any plus devices.
The work around for that is i just have to run a full repair every few weeks (its a odd one that).

Ok right i can see it work now when i set it to momentary and button.
So what do you do with the scene stuff to get it to work. Could i not setup virtual device contact and use rule machine to switch their states from button output?
It would seem it's just driver code as it does work in that mode!

Yes if the event calls a hold and a release?

yes, the device is capable of sending a scene event on close and on open, so within the switch code for the button it just needs to call Open/closed OR ON/OFF OR Active/inactive as well depending on what child type your using.

I set it up and i get log entries for changes held and released but it is not triggering my rule and it's not logging anything in the event history. weird!

Sacked it off! I have put it back on the c4 and used the link hub to bounce it to the C7. Solution for now and all working hopefully the driver code gets sorted soon.

As a button device?

Can I see the rule please?

Sorry matey I've deleted it all now. I'm all working now as is so I'll leave it doing it's thing until it breaks lol. but thanks anyway.

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