Hey, looking for some help to troubleshoot my Fibaro Dimmer 2's (FGD-212).
I've got 14 deployed around the house over the last ~4 years. These used to be paired to SmartThings but I moved them fully about a year ago. Under SmartThings I didn't have any issues with them updating or operating, however under Hubitat I get one or two inparticular that struggle to update their status.
i.e. they are off when reporting on, or on when reporting off
Apart from anything else this is a pain when doing auotmations with WebCore (or anything else) as it "sees" the light as the correct state so doesn't update it. Meaning lights stay on or off when I don't want them to.
I've tidied up my z-wave network and removed a ghost device, I've also tried several of the different drivers available including Robin Winbourne's, Eric Maycock's and the basic built in one.
I've read through some of the similar issues people had, some that seem driver related and some that are hub version related but no solid fixes that work for me like this one -
One of the most frustrating things is that it seems fairly random, I can't consistently replicate the fault for proper testing/troubleshooting. I see people still recommending using these dimmers which I assume means that they work fairly consistently for other people.
Any thoughts, hints or tips about where to go looking would be appreciated
Your not alone,I only have 4 of these dimmers but still have problems with them not reporting correct state.
I've now switched over to cheaper zigbee modules which seem much more reliable, the only downside is they don't have any parameters so can't tweak them to suit your needs as much.
As for the fibaro dimmers I won't be buying anymore but I'm not going to replace the ones I do have just yet.
Sorry I can't help you with anything just letting you know there's people with the same problems.
That's strange I've found mine pretty bulletproof. I had a little bother setting them up the way I wanted reliably and I ended up manually setting the parameters with the Basic Z Wave Tool Driver before switching them back to the standard Hubitat one. I also have 14 of them, they control all of my internal lights. Just wondering:
what version firmware they are running (the problem ones). All but one of mine are 3.5 (shows as 3.05 in the device data window):
also is there anything else regarding those devices that could be causing an issue on your Z Wave network? I specifically included all of mine with a Z Stick as on my C7 to set security to None, otherwise they'd have included at S0 which I was advised against as it can be chatty/problematic.
Mine are all 3.05 (3.5) too, but they are all joined with S0 security - I actually had two that weren't but recently rejoined them to get everything on the z-wave network "the same".
All my z-wave devices are these dimmers with one exception, a HeatIT thermostat that is joined with no security. I did have a ghost z-wave device but I got that removed (saw a thread you had linked to from another earlier Fibaro discussion).
I'd love to figure out if it was a specific "device / network" issue where the command update doesn't reach the controller, or if it's something in the controller that doesn't process the response correctly.
It could be that if they're S0 that a message is getting lost in transit I suppose. I'd be inclined to go through the Dimmer 2's one at a time excluding them and re including them without security. It's a bit of a pain/learning curve at first but could prevent further issues.
@Bibbleq Like @johnwill1, re pair them without security (honestly keep security off of everything except door locks and garage stuff). This will help clear a lot of bandwidth
Ok, I'll go through and unpair / repair forcing them to unsecure and see what I get
I notice the hub allows a "replace" function if it thinks a z-wave device is unavailabe for a period - don't suppose there is away to force that for my devices so that I can replace the current devices and not need to re-setup up automations?
Well, got me a Z-stick and excluded / included one of my dimmers - managed to maintain the automations by swapping to a virtual device & updating the network ID's.
"new" device reporting in fine & shows it's status updates into the console fine, but will not turn on & off via digital commands!
Seems to accept settings okay, just not switch states. Will troubleshoot further and see what I find.
If you were getting rid of ghosts when done pull the stick, then pair the switch directly with HE instead of the stick and see how that goes. Easier than trying to mess with the id's
It seemed to be an issue with changing ID's when moving from security to open... I did a test with a non secure & updating ID's that worked fine. With security to no security it does this half way house thing where you get updates but can't control.
Anyway have managed to move them all over today (and found a 15th unit that I'd forgotten about) so will see over a few days how they behave now.
Just checking in a month later to say that things have indeed been much more stable, so this seems to be answer... (pairing with no security).
Automations for on/off events are working each time as is the mirroring of multiple devices.
(now is when it all gets jinxed and stops working right )