[Feature Request] Mode Lighting with simple to use table to designate switch state for particular mode

@bravenel I have really enjoyed the use of tables in apps like RM and Room Lighting as they make the UI much easier to interact with. I use modes to turn lights on and off and based on past posts it seems you do as well. Right now I have various rules that will toggle switches based on mode changes. It is very hard to keep up with to be honest knowing which switch is included in which rule especially to know if there are conflicts. I often have to go to individual devices and look at the In Use By which gets cumbersome with many switches. For example, during Cleaning mode most of my switches turn on and then I want some to turn off when I change back to Day mode.

What I would like to request is a table based UI that you can select switches and then table appears letting you designate whether a switch turns on, off, or remains untouched in a given mode. With your recent Lights Usage Table example code I threw together a quick UI example to show (not functioning yet) what I would love to see:

  • Based on the select switches input I would like to control 3 switches with modes.
  • Once selected the table below populates with a row for each switch and then a column for each mode that I have on my hub.
  • Within each mode column I can designate whether it turns on, off, or if unchecked remains unchanged. Thinking you can have a dropdown instead or interactive click where it switches between On/Off/Blank (leave in previous state for this mode)

Then as the mode changes, the table will be utilized to change the state of the switches based on the selected state. A view like this is much easier to see conflicts and easily manage a lot of switches.

Thank you for your consideration!

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Yes, but...

But these switches would have to not be controlled by other apps, like RM or Room Lights, or you'd just be adding to hidden conflicts.

I can look at creating this simple approach limited to just on/off, and the avoidance of conflicts would still be your chore.

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You probably only need one check box per mode column, checked = On, unchecked=Off.

Been thinking about adding selectable Modes per device for this app. Currently it has Modes but applies to whole table.

Wondering if there's a way to add same device multiple times to same table to assign different modes and run times. Off course you could just build multiple of these apps, each using a different mode(home, away, etc.).

Besides turn on and off, you’d also need a “no change” mode, as you might want to have some modes not control a particular switch.

I have mixed feelings about this idea. I do have some switches controlled by modes, but often there is more to the logic than just mode changes, e,g., one that turns on in”evening” but turns off at “night” or 9 pm, whichever comes first. So I guess this would help for some very simple use cases, but for me I don’t have much in the way of simple use cases.

No, as @rsjaffe points out, you would need both. What if you don't want anything to happen at all, just leave it be?

Yeah, I agree with this. Perhaps I will write it and put it up in the Hubitat public repo, and those interested could add to it or change it. It's pretty simple.

Absolutely understood. I would remove all those rules in support of this simpler view.

Correct and I alluded to that in my description below the example table I threw together quickly.

I totally understand and I have many exceptions amongst my 284 devices. My primary use case of this is honestly turning them off with certain modes like Night and Away vs on. But I do have quite a few that turn on with Day mode or Cleaning as an example.

The old (now resurrected) Mode Manager kinda supported this idea but is a bit cumbersome to use.

Thanks Bruce!

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A post was split to a new topic: [Released] Control Switches by Mode

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